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C. 004
Chilling Cells

They placed her in a cell.

It was much colder than she expected. The cell she was at conveniently placed her under the spotlight. Officers would walk around in their dark uniform, sneering as they catch sight of her. The officers that brought her here brought little to no helpful information, the only thing they spoke of was her release from the detaining cell.

She wrapped her hands around the steel bars, a desperate attempt to curl her fists and try to move the bars apart. Time was ticking, she found it funny how this was the only time she would remember about the time at all. She continued grunting as she imagined herself twisting the steel, but all it left her were the red blisters on her hand.

She heard a snicker come from above. There was a guard standing next to her cell who looked unimpressed by her actions. "Most of the criminals we caught would try to kick the whole frame down, just like what you are doing but less flashy."

Endenna blinked, lips agape as she processed the same word from before. "cri-minal? Im.... Not.."

The guard smirked, "looks like Im not the one you should answer to."

Endenna looked to the direction she pointed to and saw the crowd of people approaching her area. They wore spotless suits, all ironed and crisp. The air they held made her bones jitter. It seems like they are the people she should be warry off.

"Chief requests Endenna Nheley's immediate presence in the interrogation room." A man ordered. As quickly as he said them, the door to her cell was unlocked and once again she found herself being hauled away by two strong arms.

She didn't like it. The pain of having her arms twisted so inhumanely. It's not like she could run far. Giving her a headstart of five minutes would still not be enough against athletically trained adults. They gave no care to her as she tried to get her arms loose, to lessen the pain that's plaguing her mind. Usually, she would drown away in thoughts of flowers, to touch one and to give it to someone else that made them happy. She saw it once in a movie she was lucky enough to get a peek at during her time in the city. She wanted to give one to her mother. A bright pink lotus flower.

She cried out as she was slammed down to a metal chair. The feeling of her head pounding to the metal surface made her head spin. She was rendered unable to breath properly as the officers re-chained her cuffs to the sides of the chair.

"we're going to start the questions now. Are you ready Miss Endenna Nheley?"

"let's not refer to the monster with such respe—"

"we are not to show disrespect to a child Detective Albert please stand by the mirror!" A woman, Endenna presumed, was swatting away at the male who an offended look in his face.

"I am the Detective of the Monster Division, while you are just the Inspec—"

The woman ignored his words. She turned to one of the female guards standing by Endenna's side, and tossed a small device to her.

The guard appeared shocked, gasping as she turned the device over. "Im sorry Inspector Calliopse, but this is—"

"I require utter silence and concentration for this to happen." The inspector said, "use it, and escort him out."

The sizzling of electricity was heard as the guard bolted to Detective Albert in an instant. His body fell with a loud thud, drool dripping from his lips. The guard was silent as she thanked the Inspector for bringing a taser with her.

It was like everyone held no ounce of respect for the Detective as he was on constant mode for criticizing everyone's wrong moves. He was lucky to be tasered because the last time he made a misogynistic comment on the Inspector's new hair, she poured laxatives on his morning coffee and the station was given 1 week of peace.

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