Chapter 4: The Iron Gate

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The sun had not entirely set, there was still a tinge of purple in the sky. The evening was brightened by the full moon that dominated it. Agatha took her time, enjoying the cool breeze stirring her hair.. She listened to the music of the tree frogs and the cicadas as she made her way to the Iron Gate, the dew pleasantly dampening her bare feet.

Agatha had her hands protected by her work gloves when she unlatched the gate and closed it behind her before she turned toward the forest. Even though she attempted to be quiet, the gate was rusty and groaned loudly as it moved. Agatha paused for several moments, gazing back at the house, looking up at the windows for signs of movement. She didn't wish to have to explain what she was doing. None of the curtains moved, so she assumed that no one in the house had heard the noise, so she continued, deeper into the forest.

Agatha walked until she saw a clearing, then she began gathering materials to build a fairy ring.

Humans believe that fairy rings grow naturally from mushrooms, but this is deliberate misinformation spread by the Cluri-chan and some other fey who can disguise themselves as human, to amuse themselves by telling false stories in the human taverns.

Agatha moved quickly and carefully, laying stalks of grass, strips of moss, and peeled sticks, in the pattern that the Banshee had shown her, to summon her. She formed a letter M with twigs, at the northern edge, then placed her silver comb at the center of the circle.

Three times, Agatha carefully repeated the phrase the Banshee had taught her, as she walked with even, measured steps around the circle.

"Tagann Niamh, Deirfiúr, cosnóir Clan McSweeney, is mise do chine, go gasta chuig mo chabhair."

When she had circled the fairy ring three times, she returned to the south edge of the ring and cut her palm with a sharp quartz stone. Agatha held her fist over the circle and allowed several drops of her blood to fall inside the circle.

Guilt assailed her, but she silently asked God to forgive her for carrying out such a pagan ritual that went against the Catholic faith she had been raised in.

With a flash of light, Niamh, the Banshee appeared within the circle. Niamh looked around in surprise, then her gaze narrowed as her eyes lit on Agatha.

"This had better be important," Niamh said coldly, her voice sounding like a strong wind rushing through the branches.

"It is, " she replied. "I want to be human again."

Niamh's eyes widened, then narrowed again. "Tis impossible. Even if I could, you would immediately die. Or did you forget that you were dying of plague when I found you?"

"What am I to do then? People recognize me, I can't disguise myself well enough."

Niamh nodded in understanding. "It will take time, as your power grows, it will get easier. All Banshees experience that at first."

"But they might try to drive me away."

Niamh shook her head. "They fear you too much to do that. Ye must leave now; ye've business to attend to."

"Wait! I have another question...why does iron burn me?" Agatha asked quickly, raising her hands toward Niamh in a pleading gesture.

"Iron burns all Fey creatures. It is one of our few weaknesses."

"Well, that explains it. My cousin and aunt saw the burns, I think my cousin Elizabeth suspects something, but she doesn't know anything about me."

"Keep it a secret, sister Agatha. The world is changing, people aren't as close to nature as they once were, and more prone to try to destroy anything they don't understand."

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