an ounce of self respect and half a doryaki.

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"should i choose a noble occupation? if i did, i'd only show up late and sick."

another punch landed on the fourteen year old's face. he wouldn't give up, for hina, for everyone. his cousin had yet to return, much to his dismay. he was leaning down, watching as the blood from his nose dripped to the floor. there was mockery coming from the audience, but that didn't matter now. only hina, she was all that mattered.

"i... i won't run away anymore!" he pulled himself up straight, the desperation in his eyes looked more like determination, now. before another attack could be laid onto the blonde, a voice cut in. "yo, kiyomizu masataka." there the h/c haired girl was, walking down the steps with her hands shoved into her jacket pockets. there was a pop in her step, she had jumped to the ground as she approached the two fighters. f/n stepped in front of takemichi, leaning closer to the large male in front of her.

"that'd be you, ri-i-ight?" her words were drawn out in a singsong manner, a smile displayed on her face. his eyes narrowed at her, as he let out what was almost a laugh. "what kinda' idiot do you gotta be to jump into a fight like this, little bitch. why don't you run along and go try some dresses or somethin'. don't-cha know what guys like these do to girls like you?" he motioned at the crowd as he spoke, not only was he a total douchebag, he was a sexist too.

"try on dresses? hey, that reminds me! does your mom's blue dress still fit you? or, have you grown too much? it was only last year when you went through your little dress phase, yeah?" personally, you saw nothing wrong with men wearing dresses. but kiyomizu, he definitely would. his masculinity was much too fragile. before he could respond, trying to deny your accusations, you continued.

"and, last year, you were sixteen. yeah, a third year in the middle school division who's seventeen! what'd you have to do to get held back two whole years? don't tell me you're all tough with no brain. no, i misspoke. you aren't even strong, huh? picking on little kids, i mean, if you were a real man you'd have a little more self respect. your friends, your little gang, no one actually respects you. you just scared them into worshipping to grow your little ego! don't worry, i get it! your dick was too small, so you decided your ego should be big in it's place!"

the glare he was sending the girl was so amazing to her. that angry look, the rage of denying who you are. he didn't hesitate to throw a punch at the girl, but she simply moved out of the way. "if you wanna hit me, try and be less predictable. you always start with a right hook, try to switch things up a bit! plus, hitting girls? should i add that to the list of terrible things you've done?" ah, here it was, the moment to go in for the kill. he continued throwing punches at the younger girl, but the only thing his fist could hit was the air next to her. she was fast, and that pissed him off.

f/n spoke while she continued dodging the attacks. "what else is on that list? hmm, maybe that stray dog in the alley? orrrrrr, your mom's wedding dress? oh, oh! or that eventful game of seven minutes in heaven with your cousin? talk about gross!" with every word his hands moved faster, harder, but to no avail. he was trapped. what was he supposed to say? the confusion only fueled his anger, everything was playing right into f/n's hands.

"hey, kiyomasa!" the suprise- and possible fear- on the said male's face made the girl smile as he spun around. there were two blondes approaching, a tall one with weird hair and a tattoo, and a short one who seemed rather fixated on half a piece of doryaki. suddenly, everyone was bent over themselves, bowing to the guys who had suddenly arrived.  kiyomizu only slightly bowed his head, his greeting was a lot less intense than everyone elses.

f/n just watched as the two continued walking, amused as they brushed off anyone who tried to speak to them. it was totally bitchy and cocky, but still funny. "sure have drawn up a crowd, now. gettin' all worked up, even though you're supposed to be some leader." in all honesty, it was a good thing someone cut in, f/n was getting tired of dodging, and she'd hate to get her school uniform dirty. the skirt was stupidly hard to clean.

"hey! kenchin!" the shorter of the two spoke up, suddenly empty handed. "then hell, mikey? don't call me that here." waving his hands, 'mikey' smiled. "all my doryaki's gone!" the girl apparently took this distraction as an invitation to join her cousin, who had fallen onto his ass who knows when. she actually had a first aid kit on her, conveniently enough. it was always shoved into her jacket pocket when she was volunteering at the orphanage, and there was no chance to put it away when she was being dragged out.

handing him a handkerchief, she pulled out a disinfectant wipe to get all the blood off his arms. "get that blood off your face, you look worse than usual." suddenly, right as she started cleaning up his wounds, there was a loud groan before the sound of something hitting the floor. f/n turned, not bothering to stop what she was doing. there was the big, mighty kiyomizu, on the floor holding his stomach. "who the hell made you so important? trying to greet the president with that pathetic bow." while dragon-boy stayed lecturing the man, the smaller blonde continued walking towards the two on the floor.

that didn't cause l/n to stop, though. she couldn't give a damn, no matter what the dude was president of. although, the girl was caught off guard as his face was suddenly about three inches away from takemichi's. it seemed best not to question it. after about five seconds of staring at him, his head turned to stare at f/n. still not stopping the bandaging, she glanced up at him, sending the boy a small smile before turning all her focus back onto her cousin's arm. usually, she would've just glared right back at him, but no, something made her decide against it. his eyes, to be more specific.

it was like there was no light in them.

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