Start from the beginning


Sure enough, as Rhysand had promised, his mother had shown up hours later, a dress in hand and more than ready to answer all my questions.

It was sweet but that didn't make me feel better. I still really wanted to go home.

It was nothing against Rhysand, but he was not my mate and I barely knew him. I didn't want this to go wrong and if we didn't end up getting along, then I would lose the one person that I was on relatively good terms with in the Night Court. That would be a lonely existence.

"Come, my dear." His mother smiled, smoothing out my dress and brushing my hair down as I tried to smile at her. She seemed so excited to see her son married and I couldn't bring myself to show my true emotions. "It's time. Rhysand will love this."

"I'm glad." I tried to sound confident, but my voice broke and came out as a whisper. If his mother noticed, she didn't say anything. 

The woman led me through the dark halls of obsidian, the stars glimmering and reflecting from the walls. I looked out the window, across the dark plain and towards the mountains, before trying to pull myself together.

This was expected of me. I could do this.

The doors to the main throne room opened and my knees buckled. I could not do this.

His mother kept her grip on my arms, encouraging me to walk towards Rhysand who watched me with apologetic eyes. His sister wasn't there, still locked away wherever the Hewn City was and his father was glaring at me with cold eyes. The rest of the guests watched on, not sparing me a single apologetic glance.

As we got close enough, Rhysand held his hand out for me to take and I did. Despite my own trembling, Rhysand's were strong and steady, helping me stand beside him and giving me some strength. In front of us was a High Priestess, dressed in the typical grey robes of their faith.

This was familiar to me, as there were a few Priestess' in the Day Court, so I took a moment to regain my senses. I could do this. 

Looking up, I caught Rhysand's eyes as the ceremony began and he nodded, as if telling me that I could do this.


The ceremony was a blur of noises and sounds and the only thing I could remember was the kiss. Rhysand had to bend down a great deal, due to the large height difference between us, pressing a short kiss to my lips and just like that, we were married.

It was a strange feeling. 

Now, Rhysand and I were awkwardly changing into our night clothes in his room. My meagre things were now in his wardrobe and we were to share a bed as married couples did. I couldn't remember a time I had been in a situation this awkward.

"When the marriage contract was arranged?"

"No that was just scary." I replied, rolling my eyes. Curse his daemati ways.

That made him chuckle, breaking the ice between us as he shot me a smile.

"It's not that awkward." He tried to reply, pulling his shirt off as I turned away. 

"It is." He shrugged, already lounging in his bed. "I see I'm taking the left side."

"Do you want the other side?" He questioned, looking awkward as I shook my head and braided my hair. "I know we are not mates, but if you want, there might be something I can do about it."


"The whole me being able to read your mind. I can help with that."

"What can you do?" I slid into bed next to him, being careful not to be too close to broach his personal space. 

"I could link our minds." He suggested, shrugging. 

"What would that do?"

"Be a bridge, of sorts, for thoughts and emotions and all of that." Rhysand muttered, scratching the back of his neck as he sat with his legs crossed in front of him. "But only if you want to."

"It would be nice to be able to read your mind as well." I muttered, causing him to chuckle. "I-yes. Go on then."

He held his hand out and I placed mine into it, watching him carefully. He shot me a small grin, before closing his eyes, and I watched as a dark tattoo crept up my hand, covering my wrist like an arm gauntlet. 

"You never told me a tattoo would also come with it?"

"I forgot about that." Rhysand muttered, sending me a sheepish grin. "Oops?"

I shook my head once more, feeling a bridge sort of connect into place. It was hard to describe and I didn't quite no the words, but I could feel Rhysand there.

"We'll work on it, before I go." Rhysand promised, settling down as I did the same. I nodded, still admiring the tattoo, before I turned the light off. 

As I drifted off to sleep, curled up to the side of Rhysand's bed, I could have sworn that I heard a voice in my head, whispering over and over that they were sorry.


It's been a while but have Carasai and Rhysand being exceptionally awkward with each other. Neither of these two know what to do about each other and I love it, they're so funny! Also, there's nothing about weddings in the ACOTAR series, so I kind of made it up.

Let me know what you think,

Love Li xx

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