This man-

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Agoti POV:

I woke up next to Tabi, with him having his arms wrapped around me. "Ah, shit.." I mumbled before turning away from Tabi. Again. Another cold.

"Seriously, A.G? Another one?"


Tabi got out of the bed and left the room for a minute.

"Agoti, How are you always getting so sick lately?? You've had three fevers last week, a cold this week, and another one today. That's five times." Tabi said while handing me a glass of water. (BTW ITS NOT C*VID I SWEAR)

"You think I know?"

"You've been hanging around with someone sick, lately?" Tabi asked.

"Again, I don't know." I replied before turning away from Tabi.

"Okay.. whatever. Just stay in bed for now." Tabi said while going to leave the room.

"You're just gonna leave me here?" I asked before Tabi looked back, then left the room. "Damn, rude.." I mumbled before sighing.

I lied there for at least ten or twenty minutes, just staring at the ceiling, coughing and sneezing. "Shit- that's disgusting." I said while grabbing a tissue. 'When is he coming back..? Or did he actually leave me?!' I thought while sitting up.

"Hey.. dad?" I heard Quinn ask.

"Hm? You need something?" Tabi asked.

"How come everyone is sick? I just saw Agoti lying in bed, Whitty, Cherry, and Caity have been sick all week, Arrow has been sick since yesterday, and now Mushroom is getting kinda sick." Quinn started. "Also I don't really know if Agoti is sick but it seems like he is."

"Yea, Agoti is sick right now, but just take care of everyone right now.

"Yes, yes, cuz I can take care of five people at once-" Quinn said before Tabi gave them the look. "Yep, on it!"

"How the hell do you do that-?" I mumbled before grabbing Tabi."

"Ow- how do I do what?" Tabi asked, ignoring the fact that I placed them on my lap (NOT LIKE THAT I SWEAR-),  him facing my chest, and me resting my head on his.

"Never mind.." I mumbled.

"A-anyways, I brought you some medicine, food, and water." Tabi said before I looked on the night stand.

"The liquid one-? You're kidding me right now that's fucking disgusting!" I said.

"Take it." Tabi said while grabbing a cup of water, and the smaller cup of medicine. "Now."

"Can't I later?"

"No. Now. You can eat the food after."

"Buuuuut what if I'm not hungry?" I asked.

"I thought bribing you with food would work.. odd. You usually love my food."

"Wait, you made it?"


"Fiiiine. I'll do it then."

Just act like they cuddled after or something.

♥𝓐𝓰𝓸𝓽𝓲 𝔁 𝓣𝓪𝓫𝓲 𝓸𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼♥ (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now