Chapter 11: The nightmare shadow form and the wedding

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hello, my awesome readers/followers I have news I found an online class and I will be busy with these classes from time to time so I may post my books from time but not often but I hope you all enjoy and the shadow monsters and demons have names which you'll see in the story so I hope you all enjoy ^w^

Lucy: and he is not a girl he's a boy

sm boss: oh I see well why did you choose him?

 shadow again explains why as the shadow monsters and demons listen

Alison * thee shadow succubus*: how cute is that

she said in a sarcastic tone 

Shadow: * sarcastic back* yeah like you do your playthings

Sam ( one of the shadow monsters):ooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!

 Goldie left to go lay in his room as he got there he sat down on his bed  and reads a book he found on his bedside table as Lucy comes in to let the shadows and Shadow monsters/demons deal with business 

Lucy: do you mind if I read with you??

Lucy asked since she knows if people do or do not mind her being there as  Goldie shakes his head, no, not minding at all as he reads it as Lucy smiles coming in

Lucy: cool

the two read together as Goldie doesn't mind company  as the book was very interesting meanwhile back with the others who were going to go down to the basement as Lucy was curious about what Goldie was reading

Lucy: whatcha reading??

she asked as the cover was a bit hard to tell as it was very dusty 

Goldie: this book of Alice in Wonderland.

Lucy: oooooh

she said in an excited tone since she missed reading an old classic 

Goldie: this chapter is good so far

he said reading it

Lucy: do you want to go see if the others are ok to wait oh no no I know

she said smiling

Goldie: sure and okay 

 he said glued to soon  the book

Lucy: I can use a spell called The all-seeing eye we can see your friend and how they're doing

Goldie nods looking up since he never heard that spell before which got him interested

Lucy:* says the spell* 

soon a portal thing open that you can see through but no one could see it of what they were being watched as Goldie looks and sees that the others were going to the basement and were armed with knives, ax, a wooden spoon, a hook ( ironic I know), and a bat.

Lucy:uuummmmm I don't think we were supposed to see this

she said as Goldie nods with agreement

Goldie: agreed but I think Freddy convince them to " rescue" me  we should warn the others

he said as Lucy smiles but trying not to laugh

Lucy: it's interesting that when you are in trouble he suddenly cares but when your not he does care

Goldie: yes it's very interesting 

he said getting used to Freddy's two faces and behavior

Lucy: let's go tell the others

she said  as Goldie nods and goes with her as with the shadows were talking and not knowing what was going to happen

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