I felt like I knew these boys, and not just because I follow them on every social media site

It felt like I had made real memories with them.

It made me feel sick to my stomach

Before I knew it they were joining me...

"Um, hi?" I ask

"Hey" they say in sync

I just look at them

"You do know who we are, right?" Gilinsky raises an eyebrow

"Of course I do, you're Jack and Jack. Famous viners" I say in a 'duh' tone

"Right..." Johnson looks down

"What did you expect me to say?" I frown

"That yo-" Johnson starts to say something but Gilinsky cuts him off

"Nothing more than what you said" Gilinsky laughs

"I see" I smile

"Oh...can I ask you something?" I turn my attention towards Johnson

"Sure" he sits up

"How did you get my number?" I tap my fingers on the table

"Your friend dm'd me it" he looks like he has to think about it


"Jake" he says confidently

"He did?" I ask shocked

"Yeah" he smiles


"Anyway, I should get going" I look at my watch

"Where are you going?" Gilinsky jumps up from his seat

"Home?" I laugh

"Can we drive you back?, well can our driver" Johnson asks

"Um, it's not far" I brush my hair out of my face

"Please?" They beg

"I mean, if you insist" I give in

Johnson opens the door for me and Gilinsky opens the car door for me

Such gentlemen.

"Sooo, back to my question. Are you coming tomorrow?" Johnson breaks the silence

"Yeah. Well I think so..." I look down

"What do you mean?" Gilinsky frowns

"Well I was supposed to be going with my best friend Casey, but she's being really weird with me and I don't know why" I sigh

"Casey?" Johnson says as he looks at Gilinsky

"Yeah, why?"

"We used to know a girl named Casey, not a nice girl" Gilinsky shuffles in his seat

"What a coincidence" I smile

"This is me anyway" I notice we're at my house

"Oh yes it is" Johnson says in a British accent causing me to chuckle

"Bye guys" I smile as I shut the car door and they drive off

What a weird day.

I pull out my keys and open the door

"Hellooo?" I shout through the house

No reply, thank god

I run upstairs and get back into my pyjamas and take my makeup off so it looks like I've been in bed all day

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