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Her mother slammed the car door as they got out of the car causing Marinette to flinch. The car ride had been extremely quiet and tense, and Marinette hated it. She could tell that the conversation was something that she wasn't going to like.

Marinette grabbed her luggage and quietly walked behind her parents. They walked into the bakery and Marinette took notice of the closed sign on the front doors.

Marinette inhaled sharply, mentally preparing for the very draining conversation as she walked up the stairs, which in fact was a workout.

Her mother looked at her, no, she glared at her.

"Sit." Sabine growled.

"But-" Marinette started.

"No. Sit down."

Looks like I have to wait to unpack. Great.

Marinette sets her luggage beside the couch and then proceeds to take a seat on the couch. Her mother and father stand directly in front of her.

"Did you get rid of it?" Tom asked.

"Get rid of...?" Marinette trails off.

"Goddamnit, Marinette! You know what we are talking about. Did you or did you not get rid of that disgusting baby of yours!" Sabine nearly yelled.

That angered Marinette. She didn't show it though. But the audacity of this women.

"Yes, mother." Marinette said.

Sabine looked her daughter up and down and hummed.

"Good. If this were to happen again we will immediately disown you. That is your warning. You're lucky we aren't making you break up with that Damian boy."

"Mother! You know how much I love him! You can't do that!" Marinette argued. She was surprised her mom was stupid enough to not realize that she was wearing baggy clothes to hide her baby bump.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that young lady. And yes, I can do that since I am your mother. You are to obey me!"

Marinette was staring at her mother in anger.

"Do you understand what your mother is saying?" Tom asked.

Marinette stayed silent.

"SPEAK!" Sabine yelled.

"Yes, I understand her quite well." Marinette said through gritted teeth.

"Good. Don't do it again. You already dishonored us once." Sabine then started to walk off.

"Go unpack child. And mind cleaning the house up a bit? We are inviting Lila over as an apology to what you have done to her and we wouldn't like our sweet guest to see this house at it's worst." She then walks off with Tom following behind.

Marinette glared as they walked away. Tikki flew out and sat on her shoulder.

"This is my worst nightmare." Marinette groans.

"Don't worry, Marinette! It won't be long till you are back home." Tikki smiled.


"That reminds me! I better call Jagged to let him know I'm back here at the bakery. Hopefully he will be able to convince my parents to let me go. Plus I need to check in with Damian to let him know I'm alright." As Marinette said this she picked her luggage up and carried it upstairs.

She set her luggage down and sat down in her desk chair. She took out her phone and dialed Jagged's number.

It rang for 2 seconds and he answered.

"MARINETTE! My favorite rockstar! How is the mini rocker?" Jagged said.

Marinette giggled. "The mini rocker is doing quite alright. They're growing bigger each day."

"That's great news, Nettie! Any specific reason you called today?"

"Only to remind you that I am in Paris now. You can show up anytime to you know... convince my parents to let me go on 'tour' with you."

"Awesome! It might be a few days till me and Penny can make it over but I promise we will be over as fast as we can."

Marinette inhaled. "That's fine Uncle J! Just don't take forever."

"Don't worry. Sorry to cut this short but Penny needs me. I have a fitting to go to. Stay safe, Nettie."

Jagged hung up and Marinette sighed. She didn't know how long she will be able to stay here. She immediately face timed her lovely boyfriend as she started to unpack.


Damian was getting ready to go down for dinner when his phone started ringing. Taking it out of his pocket he took notice of his girlfriend's contact name.

He immediately answered the face time call. When it connected he saw that she was starting to unpack.

"Habibi? Everything okay?" Damian asked.

Marinette paused what she was doing and looked at the screen.

"Dami! Hi. Um everything is going... well... decent."

Damian furrowed his eyebrows. "Did something happen?"

Marinette paused what she was doing and bit her lip.

"Um.... Not really. Just my mom and dad yelling at me...." Marinette chuckled.

"Are you okay? Did they hurt you? What did they say?" Damian was worried.

He knew how much Marinette hates it when she gets yelled at by her parents.

Marinette had completely stopped unpacking and she grabbed her phone. She immediately laid on her bed.

"She called our baby disgusting. Talked about how I was lucky she didn't force me to break up with you. Good thing she is too stupid to notice that the baggy clothes are hiding the baby bump." Marinette rolled her teary eyes.

Damian frowned. "You wouldn't really break up with me if she told you to, right?"

Marinette snapped her head to the camera in order to look at him. "Of course I won't break up with you! Damian, you're the love of my life. Nobody can force me to break up with you."

Damian smiled a little. But it soon turned to another frown. "Why would she say the baby is disgusting?"

Marinette rolled her eyes. "Maybe because... you know... we're teens... and I'm pregnant."

"Got it. Did she say anything else?" Damian asked.

Marinette groaned. "Apparently she is forcing me to clean the entire house because Lila is coming over for dinner as an apology for the things I 'did' to her."

"You're joking. That's the stupidest thing I've heard all day and I live in the same house as Todd."

"Tell me about. Hey! At least I called Jagged. He said that he will be here to convince my parents to let me go on tour with him. Yet it would still be another week before we left for it." Marinette sighed.

Damian frowned. "I'm sure Jagged will find a way to get you out of there."

Marinette smiled a small smile. "I'm sure he will." She looks at the time and gasps. "Damian I am so sorry! You must have been getting ready to go eat!"

Damian chuckled. "Don't worry about it, love. I'm happy you called."

Marinette giggled. "I must be getting off here. Wouldn't want you to miss dinner."

Damian rolled his eyes. "Of course. Just please be careful."

Marinette smiled sadly. "Ill try. Cant promise that though."

"Yeah okay."

"I love you... or... we love you."

"I love you both, too."


A/N~ Sorry for any spelling errors.

Published~ April 20th, 2022

Words- 1164

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