PART 1 "Save Me"

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Yn: mom! *walks in the kitchen*

Ym: *drunk laying on the counter*

Yn pov: she is always drunk and somewhere passed out half of the time! Why am I in this family and then there's the abusive dad that comes in! Everyday he beat on her and rape her like every 2 or 3 weeks, he once raped me but He threatened me if I told, I just hope me and my sister get out of all this

-End of pov-

-your dad walks in-

Yd: Justine (your mom name)

Yn: *runs upstairs to jojo room* jojo come listen

Yn&jojo: *runs half way down the stairs and listen y'all mom an dad*

Ym: *still drunk*

Yd: *slaps her* what I told you about getting drunk?!

Ym: you gave me this when you left this morning

Yd: *finna smack your mom*

Yn&jojo: *walks in* hey mom, dad

Yd: *stops* wtf are y'all doing down here! 😡

Yn: we just came to say can we go to Mindless Behavior concert tonight?

Yd: I don't care where y'all go *takes y'all mom upstairs*

-10 minutes later-

Ym: *screaming stop*

Yd: *rapping her*

Yn&jojo: *looks at each other and cries then go upstairs and get ready for the concert*

-later before the show-

Crissy: come on guys I don't want to be late

-during the show (the boys are performing my girl)-

(Some girls start pushing and somebody pushes you hard)

Yn: *falls and hits your hear on the speakers and now unconscious*

Boys: *stop performing and looks at you*

Kenneth: okay we need everybody to step away from her *jumps off stage and calls an ambulance*

-5 minutes later-

(An ambulance arrive and take you and the girls to the hospital)

-after the show(backstage)-

Ray: Keisha what happened to the girl that hit the speaker

Keisha: we are Finna go see if she's okay now


Jojo: *looking down*

Crissy: *pacing back and forwards*

Aliyah: I told them to stop pushing and then this happened that's why TM never get anything

Boys&keisha: *walks through the door*

Keisha: are y'all family to the girl that got pushed?

Jojo: *looks up* I'm her sister

Roc: *looks at jojo* 😍

Aliyah: I'm her bestfriend

Crissy: bestfriend

Boys: 😍

Keisha: oh is she okay

Jojo: we don't know-

Doc: *comes out* YFN?

Jojo: *stands up*

Doc: well at the concert it seem they pushed her bad and they could've cracked her head but thank god they didn't but she should be fine she just blacked out for a minute but she can go home tonight

Jojo: okay

Doc: do y'all have any guardian

Girls: ummm *looks at each other* dad *calls him*

-10 minutes later-

Yd: *walks in* where is this guh! 😡

Doc: umm excuse me but are you their farther

Yd: hell yeah , who asking?

Doc: me, your daughter got pushed and hit her head on a speaker and maybe in a coma

Yd: *see jojo* did you let this happen *walks up to her*

Jojo: *scared* no

Yd: *slaps jojo*

Jojo: *falls to the floor crying*

Keisha: you can't be hitting these kids

Yd: stfu and get out my face *grabs jojo and yanks her off the floor*

Jojo: *crying*

Boys: *looking and in shock*

Jamal(you&jojo brother:22): *walks in* put my sister down! *grabs jojo*

Yd: hmm Jamal you came back *smirks*

Jamal: all I know if you touch my sisters and mother again it's going to be over for you

Yd: *finna hit jamal*

Police: *runs in and grabs yd* sir you are arrested for child and woman abuse and rape

Police#2: anything you say will be held against you!

Police: *takes him away*

Jojo: *crying*

Jamal: *hugs jojo*

Keisha: umm hey I'm Keisha

Jamal: *shakes her hand* hey

Keisha: your sisters and her friends was at the boys *points to them* concert

Jamal: oh y'all are mindless behavior right

Boys: yes

Doc: im sorry for everything

Jamal: no it's find as long as that bastard stays in jail

Jojo: where's mom?

Jamal: at home but I'm staying with y'all and we're moving to a new house

Jojo: okay

Crissy&aliyah: *walks over to the boys* hey

Boys: hey

Prince: we're sorry for everything that happened

Aliyah: it's fine I'm just glade they don't have to deal with that man anymore

Prod: so do you girls wanna hang out when...umm

Crissy: yn

Prod: yn feel better

Girls: sure

Doc: you all may go in and see yn, she's woke

Everybody: *walks in*

Keisha: we'll check on her tomorrow and ill bring the boys, is there anywhere I can meet the girls

Jamal: *writes down the new house address* here come to this address any time y'all want

Keisha: okay, come on boys

Ray: I wanna see if yn is okay

Keisha: you'll see her tomorrow

-they leave-

(Yn room)

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