Kill me yourself! [Hurt/Comfort]

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Hurt/Comfort is my biggest love, thank you very much.

The video has nothing to do with this, i just really like the song and animation-

Canon timelines(at least i tried)
Tenko and Touya will be musicians!

-Suicidal thoughts
-Suicide baiting
-Impulse writing (which means it's prolly plotless)
-✨Not really a manga spoiler, but a manga spoiler✨(never mind, it's very much a manga spoiler as the story progresses)

Touya was absolutely out of control. Enji didn't know how to get it through his thick skull anymore.
,,You can't be a hero! Your fire is too strong and you are weak!" It was bad approach. He knew that, but what was he supposed to do? He didn't know what and that was the main problem. He didn't want Touya to hurt himself again.
,,You are a weakling Touya! You will not become a hero! You'd kill yourself first!"

The white haired teen cried as he pulled at his hair.
,,No, no, no!"he shook with every word his father has said. He cried fat tears, while Enji yelled at him. Why couldn't he be a hero?! It was his destiny! It was why he was born!

,,Are you even listening to me, you good for nothing boy?! I will not let you be a hero!" Enji showed the boy away and turned his back to him, as he did many times before. Maybe he just hoped that if he distanced himself and his dream from Touya, he wouldn't try anymore.
Touya cried harder, deep red flames danced on his arm and hair. ,,Than kill me! Why am i alive?! Why did mom gave me birth if i'm so useless?!"
That made the older man pause. He knew, what he was saying was likely really wrong, but he didn't know what to say anymore. Rei wasn't any better.

,,You come to Sekoto Peak, you hear me?! You go there and watch how good i can be! You'll see i can do better than Shoto!" "Touya!" The flame hero yelled behind the thirteen year old, but the boy already stomped away.
Enji sighed, what was he supposed to do now?

Rei came out of her room, with the other children in tow.
Fuyumi and Natsuo at least didn't strive to be heroes, with the young girl being mismatched as well as her older brother and Natsuo with his much weaker ice quirk.

5 years back a certain symbol of piece stumbled upon a traumatized child, when he went out for grocery shopping. The boy was covered in dried blood. His eyes were wide and terrified, just like the wry grin on his face.

He didn't mean to scare the old lady away... He knew he deserved punishment for what he did. He wasn't worthy of help. His hands were scratching away the irritated skin on his neck. Why didn't anyone help him? Did they know what he did? He didn't mean to... Or did he? He couldn't remember. His memories were slowly starting to fade. He just needed to keep his hands away from everything.

...Why? Why did he need to? Oh, right, his quirk. That's what it was, wasn't it? That terrifying villain after his family was him.
He wanted to touch something again. He wanted to see things crumble as he held them...

Tenko didn't want to kill anybody anymore though. Killing was wrong, right? He felt like puking, when he saw them crumble.

A terrible spike of guilt hit him at the thought of Mon-chan and Hana.... His mom wanted to hug him, but the, that's wrong, he killed her before she could.
Hana just didn't want to get in trouble, right? If Hana-chan told father it was her, who showed him the picture, father would surely hurt her too. It's okay, he wanted to be a hero, so he should be able to save her from father.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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