The meeting

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Time: 3:57 pm
Date: 23. of June
Place: The inbetween
Karl POV:
I get out of my portal like normal and turn left heading straight towards my library, to get a book and write down my memories because I always forget, which has caused some of my friends to leave me.

You're probably wondering who I am and what you're reading, Hi, I'm Karl a 23 year old time traveller who forgets everything and everyone through travelling, your probably asking yourself why I keep on going if I forget, well I myself am still trying to figure that out.

I guess one of the reasons is so that I can protect my friends, the ones that haven't left me, from bad things such as them getting badly hurt.

I've tried to go back and forward in time to find other time travellers just like me, but obviously I didn't find any, I never thought I would, because one of the main rules of travelling is:


I may or may not have broken that rule already, my best friend Nick knows, he promised not to tell anyone and he hasn't told anyone for 2 months. It's good and bad, good because if I suddenly need to go he can cover for me, bad because I broke the main rule.

The reason why I need to go sometimes is pretty stupid honestly, but unlike probably other time travellers out there, I can't control my travelling, and I can't just do it either, my memory book is what allows me to travel, so when I am about to travel it starts glowing, telling me to get somewhere safe so nobody can see me.

Enough about me now, I walked into my library thinking nobody was there, but I was wrong, of course Nick had to be there. "WHERE WERE YOU, KALR? IT'S BEEN 5 HOURS, I WAS WORRIED SICK, I KNOW YOU CAN'T CONTROL IT BUT AT LEAST TELL ME WHEN YOU GO, I THOUGHT YOU WERE STUCK OR HURT!" "sorry" was all I answered because as Nick just said I had been gone for 5 hours, not doing nothing but running around trying not to die the whole time.

Hearing that I was tired he answered "oh no it's ok, but please tell me next time Karl I was worried" "will do boss" I said with a small smile on my face.

Time: 3:57 pm
Date: 23. of June
Place: the inbetween
Lucy POV.
I saw someone get out of a portal, I didn't know who it was at first so I grabbed my sword to protect myself. As I saw that it was the Boy who I had seen a couple of times before I quickly put it away and hid behind one of the giant pillars hoping he wouldn't come this way. I was lucky he didn't, he walked towards a different portal which brought him to his home. He's done this multiple times and this time I decided to follow him (best idea in my life)

I didn't now what to expect, but I probably should have waited a couple of minutes before going through because as I got to the other side there were two brunet boys looking at me. "H- Hi" I said nervously.

They both stared at me "who are you?" The shorter one asked, pulling his sword. "Put your sword down, Nick. What if they accidentally fell through my portal" "you said no one can enter your portal unless there special, that's why I've never been aloud to come" "oh yea" they both quickly turned to me. "Sorry for ignoring you" they both said "it's fine" "who are you now" the shorter one asked.

"I'm Lucy, a traveller just like your friend here" "w- what?" The taller male stuttered.

"What never met another one of your kind before?" I asked
"N-No NEVER, I've looked everywhere and every time, how didn't I find you?" "well if you are a traveller then you should know the most important rule" I said with a small smile.

"Never Tell anyone" "yes, i see you have already told your little friend here. But that's why you didn't find anyone because they kept it a secret" "wait you've never told anyone?" Nick asked. "Nope never in my..." I started counting, "what you don't even know your age anymore?" Nick joked " what year is it?" "2021, why?" "Then I have been 122 years on earth"

They both gasped "w- wha- how? I didn't even manage to keep it a secret for a month, yet alone a year but you've managed 122 years, HOW? And you look so young there's now way your 122"

"Well there are perks of being a traveller I'm surprised you don't know yet, how old are you?" "23"
"Oh so you're new to travelling" "wait I'm still confused what are the perks? I only loose my memory and can't control it" "practice, but I have never met someone without the gem or did you hide it?" "What gem?" "The inbetweens gem obviously."

(Sapnap had to go because Quackity was calling him)

"THE INBETWEEN HAS A GEM?" "Well yea, how else are you going to travel?" "With this book" He said grabbing a pretty old looking book "how do you travel with it, would be annoying to always write where you want to go"

"You can choose where you want to go? Lucky, my book just starts glowing and then taking me somewhere" "well yea that's what I use the gem for" "can you explain the gem again?"

"Uh sure, so the inbetweens gem or just the gem is what gives me my powers to travel through space and time. If I want to go somewhere I just need to think of where I want to go then I can open a portal with a small hand movement then I enter and boom there I am"

3rd Person POV.

Lucy continued to explain her powers and Karl explained his. After a while Karl asked Lucy if she wanted to look around. She had never been there and was extremely excited, „YES OF COURSE"
Words: 1055
Thx for waiting this long hope you enjoy
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2023 ⏰

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