31 2 4

"Follow me, I know a shortcut to class"

»»————- Y/n's POV ————-««

"Okay... I trust you"

"Take a left, then a right and then... up" I was telling Peter the directions of how to get to our next class, then got to the tricky part, an almost vertical climb. I knew that with the training I had it would be easy, so I went up first expecting Peter to fall if he tried, but he was right behind me, going a little slower.

"Didn't know you were a climber Parker" I teased, he was about to say something, but pretend to fall. 'Pretend' because he literally let go of the side of the vent he was using to climb up.

"And... were here! This vent leads to the back of the class" I opened the vent and gestured for Peter to got down first so I can put the vent cover back after.

Peter looks to see the class empty, so he jumps down. I jumped after in a way that puts the vent cover back in its place, then took a seat in the back, Peter sat next to me.

The teacher walked in, surprised to see two students in the class already. I could tell just by his posture that he just got dump after a long relationship, classic 'person goes crazy to get back with the ex, somehow robs a bank in the process' villain, cant wait to see him on the news.

All we did that day was read news articles because that's is the first thing we were learning about. About 5 minutes of silence went by, and a hand was raised, Peter's hand. He asked to go to the bathroom but forgot his phone.

I go to grab it and hide it under the desk. Then, I tried almost every combination of numbers possible before realizing it wasn't password protected. Nice going Y/n.

Ok, camera roll... wait, no. I'm not looking through a teenage boy's camera roll. No nope no. Messages! Huh... that's Tony's number, I mean yes he IS his intern, but why is his contact as 'iron dad'... they don't look alike, and Tony would never have a kid unless the world was ending or if half the population disappeared and his son-like figure turned to dust along with most of his friends! But that would never happen, so he isn't Tony's kid.

Huh, the nerd has Instagram... @Peter.Parker... wow his Instagram is dry, he has no DMs. Does he have an alt... oh? This should interesting...

I waited for the end of the day to confront Peter, and oddly enough he was the last to leave class. Not only that, but he opened one of the floorboards, going to pull out a bag.

"Hey Parker," I flipped down like before but this time he doesn't try to hit me.

"You left your phone in class. Also, unless your the manager for Spider-man's Instagram, then you have some explaining to do" you were swinging his phone back and forth in front of his face with Instagram open he quickly grabbed his phone started panicking.

"W-well Ummm... I- I own the account, y-yes, but, it's only because I'm friends with spider-man and he wanted me to make him an account...?" He not only was a stuttering mess, but it was also like he was asking me if that was the story.

"I'm kidding Parker. Now, what's with you and hiding bags everywhere?" he just looked at me, grabbed his bag and ran. God, why is he so awkward.

Wait.. he left his phone on the ground. how did this idiot get a stark internship! whatever, ill just ask nat to give it to him next time she sees him.

Almost as soon as I finished my thought, my dad called me.

left, clint [] right, Y/n

Hey n/n, how was school

Good, why are you calling?

No reason... but, I'm staying in avengers tower, I was wondering if this time you wanted to stay, meet the new team members and such!

Only if I get my own room! Because as much as I love you and nat, I don't want to bunk with either of you.

Alright, but this means more training and I don't mean the type of training you're used to, I mean sparing with Captain America himself.

Sounds fun! Happy's picking me up so I have to go, but I'll see you at the tower! Bye, dad!

Bye n/n,

End of call

I walked out of the school to see happy talking to Peter, I walked up to the two and the conversation quickly changed. I rolled my eyes and got in the car, Peter following soon after.

"So Y/n, are you going to be staying in the tower with your dad?" Happy asked trying to start a conversation.

"Yup, I'm excited to see more of The avengers, mostly Nat and meet the newbies" happy laughed at that last part he then looked over to Peter.

"You know Y/n right kid?" Peter nods and happy continues

"Good, I don't have to introduce you two. Anyways, Y/n when we get back your dad and Tony want to talk to you" I nodded in response, no one in this car was talking other than happy, and that's how it was until we got to the tower.

I walked in, and almost right away climbed into the vents, at this point, it was a routine. I found my way to the lab from the vents and asked Jarvis to disable the security until I get into the room because I didn't want to be split in half by lasers. Just like I did to Peter, I swing down and greet Tony.

"Hey mr. Stark, hey dad! You wanted to see me?" I said jumping down like I've been doing all day. Tony jumped and looked at me with his hand over his arc reactor.

"Holy shit- hi y/n." He cleared his though,

"your dad told me you've been training, and after I comforted Natasha, I know you are a good fighter. So, with the help of your dad, who mostly watched, I did all the work" you laughed before letting Tony continue.

"I made you," the floor opened up revealing Tony's newest project. "This."

»»————- author note ————-««

Word count: 1093
A/n: I'm still in class, but, I wanted to write another chapter for you guys!! I'm going to try and upload weekly, but I don't know how long that will last. I hope you enjoyed it!!

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