Horns and Cutie Marks

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Twylights pov
I told Lilac she could come over today, so I'm just waiting for her. She hasn't met Spike yet, so I'm hoping they get along.I heard a knock on the door. "Spike come down here!" I called up to him, then I answered the door. It wasn't Lilac, but it was my friends. "We have to plan a party for Lilac!" Pinkie said. "Yeah, do you know what she likes? What's her cutie mark?" Apple Jack asked. "I don't know, it was dark last night. She could be a Pegasus." I said. There was a knock. Spike answered it. "Well hello there." He said, trying to impress Lilac. "My name is Spike." "I'm Lilac Thistle." Lilac told him. "Sorry I'm late Twilight, a couple of boys wanted to give me flowers and I had to put them in my house." She said. Wait, she's a unicorn, and her cutie mark is a flower!

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