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🖤Authors note🖤
Hello lovelies, sorry I haven't posted in a while I have been super busy with school, I just can't seem to catch a break-  also this chapter will have mentions if blood in it if that triggers you please don't read :(
I hope you guys have been doing well🖤 I love all of you!

Y/n POV:

I ran as fast as I could through the dark, damp forest desperately trying to catch up with Akaza. I have no idea how he could run so darn fast! It's been a while since I last saw Kokushibou, I'm happy with Akaza, but I miss Kokushibou a lot, even though Akaza treats me like a queen and helps me train almost every night. I pant coming to a stop beside Akaza, who's looking down at a village from the mountain top.
"Here" "we will find dinner here tonight" Akaza breathes
"I'm glad, I'm so hungry" I groan clutching my stomach
"Don't worry, I'll find the tastiest humans for us tonight my love" Akaza says flashing me a smile
"Well it better be quick I'm starving" I frown. Akaza descends down the mountain faster than i could comprehend, leaving me  in the dust. Panicked at his sudden action I run down to follow him. He jumps into a nearby rooftop perching there for a bit, taking in the city before jumping off to the ground. When I reach the rooftop he's holding the bodies of 2 men.
"Here you go" Akaza smiles
"Thank you so much!!" I say
I watch him tear into the body, a small dribble of blood dripping down his chin. I laugh and wipe it off licking the rich blood off my index finger. Akaza looks at me confused
"You had something on your face" I giggle
"Oh" Akaza replies
I dig into my meal, devouring it in a near seconds
"Wow that was fast, you really weren't kidding when you said you were hungry" Akaza jokes
"I never joke about hunger" I reply smugly
"You know, your the best thing to ever happen to me" Akaza sighs looking into my eyes with his intense golden irises.
"I could say the same about you" I say blushing
Akaza pulls me into a short embrace pecking the top of my head
"We best get back soon, daylights coming fast" Akaza sighs
We run back, a comfortable silence engulfing us. We arrive at his dojo in mere minutes, I take a seat on the ground panting after running so hard. I may be a demon but running just isn't really my thing. As I walk into the dojo I can't help but feel like something is missing. I mean I'm happy with Akaza and all its just, I feel as if there's a piece of me missing. I shake off the feeling joining Akaza in the main room.

🖤Time Skip🖤

I walk through the moonlit forest not making a sound, staring up at the starry sky. The moon looked so lovely tonight.
"The moons lovely tonight, isn't it?" A voice rings out from behind me, practically reading my mind. I turn to see Kokushibou standing there silently staring at me.
"What are you doing here?" I ask squinting my eyes at his in suspicion
"I came to watch the stars, but I found you instead" kokushibou confesses
I hum and turn to look at the sky
"I'm really sorry for hurting you that day, I was just really angry that Akaza turned you into a demon." Kokushibou sighs
"Oh, i- it's fine, I missed having you around anyways" I laugh
Kokushibou hums, turning to look at my bright e/c orbs
"What?" I ask
"Noting, you just look beautiful in the moonlight" Kokushibou says
"Oh" i reply a slight blush in my cheeks
Kokushibou moves so he's sitting behind me and runs his finger through my h/c hair. I shudder at his cold fingertips running along my scalp, but soon relax into his touch.
"I really do miss you, Kokushibou. Things just haven't been the same since that day" "I feel like a piece of me is missing, isn't that funny?" I ponder
"No, I feel the same way, I also missed you greatly" Kokushibou says
I lean back into his arms and close my eyes slowly humming to myself. Kokushibou continues to play with my hair.

Kokushibou POV:

She looks beautiful lying in my arms, I wish everyday could be like this, but she's with Akaza. And Just like that, something clicks in my mind. I'm in love with y/n. That must of been why it hurt so bad when I couldnt be with her, and why I regret hurting her so bad. I talked to Daki awhile back and she told me to take y/n out, and apologise to her. I'm incredibly glad she forgives me, and to think that she missed me too. Maybe she does like me. I got the apology part down, now I just need to take her out some time. That's the hard part, she's with Akaza, he'll never let her out with me, not after what I did. Even if she forgives me, Akaza will never. That's the hard truth, I love her, but she loves someone else... I push those thoughts out if my mind. I just need to take her out some time and it will be fine, I guess I can accept being friends with her for the time being.
"Y/n?" I ask
"Yes?" She responds tilting her head so she's looking into my multiple pairs of eyes. That's another thing I love about her, she always looks directly into my eyes, most people get uncomfortable and look away, but not her, she's different.
"Would you go out with me to dinner tomorrow night?" I ask
"I would love to" y/n responds smiling.
I smile back at her and we sit like that for a while. Y/n gets up and says;
"I should go before Akaza starts to worry, or finds us"
She shoots me a sad smile, but I understand where she's coming from. Y/n leans down so we're at eye level, grabs my chin and gives me a kiss. My eyes widen in shock, I blink and just like that she's gone. Disappearing before I even registered what happened. Maybe she doesn't love Akaza as much as I thought she did...

🖤 Authors note 🖤
Hellooo again, u hope you enjoyed this chapter. I will try and upload faster, but I also wanna know if you guys want me to write any other fanfic for the other demon Slayer characters. Some of the characters I don't know as well, because I haven't read the manga yet (none of the bookstores in my town have the manga 😭) but I'll try and do anyone you guys suggest! Stay hydrated I love you all 🖤❤️

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