Chapter 2- Day Out

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It's been nearly a few hours since Sebastian and Lisa met and so far they have gone along smoothly as they began to understand each other better. The two cracked a jokes, talked about interest, hobbies and discuss various topics as they walked down the streets as the sun shone above them. They are now walking through Downtown Springfield as they are now casually chatting with each other which surprisingly she had the same interests as he did. However he wasn't the one to judge about someone else's interests including obsession with dolls, comic books and the what not. Not because he didn't hated them, it is because friendships are mostly built upon communication and he has to play along for these things to happen. But anyway, it was a nice change to finally communicate with a fellow intellect, and he had a suspicion that they will get along easily.

Although, he was beginning to get bored of walking through downtown, he wanted to do something in this part of town. After all he has explored only half of Springfield and yet Lisa has known this town since she lived here her whole life so it's likely she knows some places that are great and enjoyable. 

"Say, do you know a place we can go and have fun?" Sebastian turned to ask Lisa. She also turned to look at him as now her blue eyes sparkled as the sun rays shone above them. Her smile made him get flustered for a little bit, but he easily managed to get it under control.

"There is a Jazz festival at the Springfield park. You want to tag along?" she suggested curiously

"Sure. If you know where it is..." Sebastian responded. 

"Oh you haven't been there?" Lisa raised her eyebrow "That place is amazing!!"

"Tell me more" he began smiling in anticipation 

"Instead of just telling why don't you just come along!" She smiled as he grabbed his hand and began running to the direction of the park

"Woah!" He panicked as now he was running in the direction in the part of town he hasn't explored yet.


After being dragged throughout the streets, Lisa finally arrives at the Springfield Park where there was a Jazz festival taking place. There were numerous fans watching the stars playing music. The smile spread across Sebastian's face as she went to drag you into the fans onto the front part where they could see them playing them from up close.

"What do you think Sebastian?" Lisa asked him gleefully 

"Wow. I thought Canadian Jazz was good but this takes it to a brand new level!"

"Glad you like it!" she smiled in anticipation

The Jazz festival went on for an hour with Sebastian enjoying the music to the point he began grooving or dancing to it. Lisa couldn't help but giggle and record him dancing until the music had ended. Lucky for Sebastian, he didn't notice being recorded throughout. The music ended aburptly with one of the musicians stepped towards the audience

"For our last performance of the day, we would like two saxophone players on the crowd to jam with us!"  one of the musicians spoke out towards the crowd

After that, the crowd erupted speaking lines of 'Pick me! Pick me!' However, Lisa and Sebastian who were Jazz fanatics didn't speak out, knowing the musicians will just pick anyone from the audience. However, after two minutes, there was now tension forming within Sebastian thinking they are going to be picked. The musician didn't take long to spot the two who were quiet throughout the selection.

"How about the lady and the gentleman on the first row?" the black skinned musician "Can you come up here to the stage?

"Well c'mon, Sebastian let's get up there!" Lisa tugged Sebastian's polo shirt who quickly resisted due to being nervous who removed her hand off her shirt and sweated nervously.

I fell in love with a nerd [Lisa Simpson X Sebastian Rourke(My OC]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin