CHAPTER 1: Uncontrollably

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"We have now arrived in Incheon, South Korea."

After the landing of the plane, passengers are starting to grab their belongings from the top shelves under their seats.

The stewardess saw a girl, still sleeping. So she went to her and shook her body a little.

"Ma'am, the plane landed safely already. Please take your belongings and head out of the plane, thank you." The stewardess said with respect and politely.

The girl looked around, seeing the other flight attendants and pilots looks at her while giving an awkward smile.

At this point, she can feel the embarrassment and that made her face red and so she stood up before bowing to them.

"I'm so sorry for keeping you all there." She covered her face and grabbed her luggages down, even the pilot helped her. "Thank you, sir."

Once again, she looked at them and bow down before heading outside the plane. Walking away from her embarrassing moments in front of professionals.

While she is walking with her things, her mobile phone started vibrating inside her pocket, so she took it out.

She answered the call. "Oh oppa?"

["I'm glad the plane landed safely, dongsaeng."] Her brother said while chuckling behind the phone.

"Hmm, well I'm on my way to find an apartment to stay in." Holding her phone with her left hand while she walk with her luggage using her right hand.

Her brother sighed as a disapproval, but that didn't bother her. ["You can buy a house there since you have a lot of money with you, right? Dad said that he charged a hundred bucks inside your card."]

"Yeah, I'll stay here safely." She scoffs and stopped right outside the airport.

["Alright, dongsaeng. Make sure to stay safe and healthy, okay? ] She hummed as an agreement to his brother. He hummed as well. ["Okay. I still have something to do, take care little sis, okay? Big bro loves you. I'm hanging up."]

Heaving a deep sigh and put her handphone inside her pocket again and started staring at the trees swaying slowly, cool wind.

She doesn't want to spend money just to buy a house for herself, it will be a huge waste of money if she buy a new one.

Thinking of calling her friend who also lives in korea, she brought out her phone again and find her friend's contact.

"Mei.. Mei.. Mei—" She stopped scrolling when she saw the name of the house lady of the orphanage. "Mrs. Glu."

Instead of calling Mrs. Glu, why not she surprise her, right? She haven't been in the orphanage for a year now. Missing the kids there as well, she is hoping that they misses her too.


After an hour, she arrived at the front gate of the orphanage. Seeing no difference had happened in the orphanage.

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