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Edit 9/18/21 at 11:53 am. - hello. If your wondering what's happening, Im fine, but this book is still going! 700 reads, thank you so much. I love all of you!!! I just hope you have an amazing day/afternoon/ night, I hope you are having a great time wherever you are. Im writing this because I decided to let out a couple of my thoughts. I don't post a lot, that's the most reason on why I don't have a lot of reads on my books. I use Wattpad because I get inspired, I read and it entertains me. And I know, you probably think this is some edgy crap I wrote. It probably is, but why am I writing this? What's the point in writing this? Why did you even write this in the first place? To let out feelings? To cry about it? Answer is, I wrote this because I want you to feel the need to be comforted. To tell you, if you had a hard time like I did, that your not the only one that is like this. There are thousands, even millions of people having a hard time. Just. Like. Us. Me and you, we both were or are having a hard time. I want you to know you aren't the only one. I want you to feel happy, and I hope that. And for those who think this is some depressed moment or whatever, it's not. It's a feeling. And you, yes you. You have these feelings too sometimes. Everyone does. And if you are stressed about school, or sad that your friends don't believe you, remember that it's okay to feel this a way. Take your mind off of things and get things done first. I am a person that procrastinates A TON. So when it comes to me finishing a project due Thursday, I get it done on the last second. That's what caused me stress. Point is, my advice for you to stop stressing out, is to get all the stuff done first. So when your done with it, you have time. Time, to sit down, and think. Think about how you just did hard work. Think about how you just did something and you don't have to do it anymore. Think about how you did better than last time.

Theories get you thinking, sweat, get you results.-fortune Cookie



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