"Now just be still for a second." They ordered.

He felt his hair moving, hearing the click noise from it, knowing it's now back in his hair once more. He sees their smiles and he immediately tries to smile back at them.

"There, now people can see your eyes and you probably see better now."

"If I may ask, why did you insist on hairpin anyways?"

"Oh, it just seems like you were bothered by it. Though you couldn't do much about it. Plus you have nice blue eyes, you shouldn't be hiding that with your hair." They shrug. "Sometimes I overthink things and just do it. Though I'm glad you like it. You can keep it if you want. Not like anyone else going to use it."

"I'll think about it, thank you for the suggestion I suppose."

"I think my dad mentioned that the eyes lead to the soul or heart of people. Probably an excuse for giving people eye to eye contact with each other."

"Do you believe that?"

They thought for a few minutes before responding. "I suppose so. Though I see it as more of a phrase. Like trusting people with just a look or gesture. Even if they're strangers. But I think that's just me. What about you?"

Decim thought for a moment before speaking. "Unless you have a way to physically see into someone's soul or heart then I suppose it might just be a way to respect people. You're not shying away or afraid."

They hum. "Like a sign of respect. I can see that."

"So do you respect me? Sorry if that seems strange to ask."

"I think you should be asking that to yourself. Because I have stated I do respect you, as I am in your bar. Though I doubt you respect me considering I can tell you lie to my face about the hairpin."

Decim gazes lower feeling his stomach sink automatically once he realizes they know he lies.

"My apologies, Nona, my boss wanted to look at it."

"It's whatever, just don't do it again I guess." They shrug. "So tell me more about this Nona. Just by the name, she must be full of life."

"Mind explaining why you think that?"

They thought for a moment before speaking again. "How about after I make you a drink? That is if that's okay with you of course."

Decim thought about it, he suppose he could let them try, there's no harm in it. "I suppose you can. As long you know what you're doing."

They snickers as they get up and head behind the counter. "Oh please, no one knows what they're doing in general." They smile before starting to look around at the bottles.

Decim watch (Y/N) glances at him for a moment before getting ingredients for his drink. Noticing some were older bottles that never quite got finished but still, he kept them around. Since most of them age well with time. Though he's not sure about the combination (Y/N) had laid out on the counter.

They know he was about to say something about it, as they spoke up.

"Trust the process. I think you'll like it. And if you don't you can be like an angry customer and throw it in my face." They joke. Though he didn't understand it as he would never do that. Nor even think about doing it.

He shakes his head not wanting to think about it anymore as he watch them make the drink. Doing little bottle twirls, and flip, as if trying to entertain him. Smiling away as they pour the drink into the shaker before closing it and giving it a few shakes.

They place a cup in front of him, before opening the shaker and pouring the drink to him. It was a very nice color of blue to it, which isn't a surprise since most of the ingredients they use were blue. Though knowing what's in it, he can't decide if knowing is considered good or bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2022 ⏰

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