The Blue Fairy

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Tick tock, tick-tock.

It's been a few hours, perhaps even more since time is more of an illusion, a constructive sense, since Nona left him alone with them. Fortunately, no one else has arrived. Unfortunately, he is stuck with (Y/N) till they press the button. To top it all off they haven't woken up.

Decim sighs as he pours his famous cocktail drink in a margarita glass, somewhat hoping it might help in this situation. He set it down on the counter before absentmindedly tapping his fingertips. He thought about what he can do now, only to just try to make conversation with them. Hope for the best. Nona said something about trying to find their memories, see what went wrong, but it'll take a while to do. Especially because death rates keep going up.

He was so lost in thought, he didn't even notice that (Y/N) has awakened and standing in front of him. Till he felt pressure against his nose, causing him to snap out of it, staring at them.

"You good?"

"I'm sorry?" He didn't understand what they said to him.

They sigh. "You okay?" They let go of his nose. "You're sounding like a woodpecker with that tapping you do."

"My apologies, I didn't notice I was doing that."

"Eah, don't worry about it." They stretch a bit and yawn. "So what you been doing since I was asleep?"

"I contacted my boss about this, and all we have to do is wait till they figure out a solution. Though my theory is that you get your memory wiped and starting over here."

They rub his eyes before sitting down. "And let me guess you want to judge me before that happens right?"

"It is one of my jobs here, and I do take it very seriously."

"Uh-huh." They point at the cocktail drink. "So tell me what's this, since you're a bartender."

"It's one of many people's favorite cocktail drink. At least around this bar."

They fall silent for a moment before slowly nudging the drink towards him. "Sorry to tell you this Decim, but I don't drink-"

"It's non-alcoholic." Decim interrupted them.

They seemed surprised by that as they pick it up, brought it to their lips, and takes a gulp. Soon placing it down.

"Hmm, it's no blue fairy, but it's good enough. Thanks." They take another sip before asking. "Speaking of blue where's the hairpin?"

Decim grab it off the shelves and hand it to them, assuming they'll put it back on him. They take it out of his hand and place it on the counter. Saying nothing as they look over at the music box nearby. He blinked a few times trying to understand the situation, watching them sip the drink till it was gone.

"You know, if you didn't want to have it in your hair you could have told me. You didn't have to wait till I fell asleep and take it out." They spoke placing the, now, empty glass down.

They then reached for it. Immediately he stops them.

"No, it fell out while I was doing things and, I didn't want to wake you just to put it back in. My apologies for making you think I didn't appreciate your gesture." He lied as his eyes avoided their gaze, which shocked him at first before realizing he can use this to his advantage.

If he can be friendly to them enough, perhaps he can convince them to play. Though the real question is why his body thinks of it before his brain could as well as what he can do to make the process faster before they start withering away, leaving a doll in their place.

"Is that so?" They eyed him down for a moment before smiling at him. "Well I'm up, so come on." They pat the seat beside them.

Decim nods and slowly let go of their hand, realizing how warm they are from being covered in a blanket for who knows how long. He made his way around to the front of the bar, sitting next to them.

Death Parade (Decim x Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя