Day out

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I woke up to my friends being loud downstairs." Will you shut the fuck up I was trying to sleep" i say pissed at them they were blasting music whislt dancing with their soul mates. Yes soulmates but I dont have one well I think becasue I have a 1 way tie which means anything i do to myself my soulmate can feel it but what ever they do i cant feel until I meet them because i got soo lucky to have it 1 way.

I made pancakes for all of us and we all ate them speedily because we were all so hungry and then I went and got dressed and me and my friends went to the park because they are convinced they'll find my soulmate but I just go along with it and enjoy watching them struggle and then we finally got home and we watched TV and slept

The next morning

I woke up to the sun peering through my curtains I groan as I open my eyes. I head to the bathroom and take a long shower fully waking my self up and when I finish I dry my hair and put it in braids. I head downstairs to y/b/f singing with the hairbrush as a microphone "what are you doing" I say laughing at her " I'm singing duhh" she says dramatically I just laugh and walk to the fridge and make my self a cup of tea( or coffee ) I finish it off and go to put my shoes on"where are you going y/b/f" asks " I'm going out to that shop down the road for breakfast" I say zipping up my jacket " ok bye then" she says and I head out the door and walk to the coffee shop

Ince I'm there I head through the door that dings and scares me I roll my eyes at myself and head for the counter "hello what would you like today" the lady asks " I'll have y/f/d and y/f/f please" I say sweetly " ok It will be done in no time" the lady replys. I to and take a seat till my stuff is done I eat y/f/f here and head out with my coffee.

I'm finally home. I walk in put my empty cup in the bin and sit on the couch watching my celebrity crush act on TV her name is scarlett Johansson. I sit there for awhile until I fall asleep on the couch as the TV continues playing in the background of my dreams about scarlett.

A/n I'm sorry this is really short I just started the story and I'm thinking of what to write and I also have school tomorrow but I'll update longer chapters and more on the weekends but I'll still try to update on week days ♥️

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