Well...They are the Avengers

Start from the beginning

"No, they didn't hurt me. They starved me. Thor, Tony,Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Spartan?, Bruce Banner. " Wade snorted at the other end of the couch.

"It's Barton, Lokes." In return Loki shrugged. He obviously could care less and went on answering Peter's questions. "I'm not entirely sure how they found me. I was helping the elderly across the streets when they came out of nowhere. And I promise I'm fine."

"Well we're glad to see you in one piece." Loki nodded in Strange's direction.

"Why don't you two clean this place?"

"I thought you were blind, Matt."

"I am Wade. But even a blind person can tell this place is a wreck." There was a round of laughter at Wade's and Loki's expense.

"What the point. Whenever I clean he makes a bigger mess than what was just cleaned." Wade nodded in agreement. Loki sent him a bemused smile.

"So Loki, now that you have all this free time, what will you do?" At Loki's raised eyebrow, Matt and Stephen looked at Wade. He was feigning interest in a Disney+ ad.

"Why am I not surprised?" Murdock shook his head in disbelief. "You won't be able to leave the house for a while. Seeing Loki's eyebrows furrow Matt continued. "It's for your own good. The avengers could still be looking for you."

"Sitting here is just as bad. I should be teleporting all over that way they never know what side of New York I'm on."

"At least this way you can catch up on your reading. And I'll bring Peter over whenever I can. " Loki looked at the Doctor with fake malice. He hated the thought of being a sitting duck.

"Then I'm going to need more books. The whole reason I was out at all yesterday was to get more books."

"Can't you just teleport into the Sanctum?" All the men looked at their youngest member with shock. They were surprised he didn't know it wasn't possible for anyone other than the Sorcerer Supreme.

"If it were that easy I'd be over there more often. Alas I cannot."

"Well Peter has a point." Loki looked at Strange with a curiously raised eyebrow. "You could teleport in as long as I've adjusted the force field. But I'm not sure you would like the books we have."

"How so?"

"Majority is about our way of magic."

"Oh. Beginner's magic tricks. I suppose I could learn a few of your parlor tricks. At least now I can add volunteering at kids birthday parties to my to-do list." Wade, Peter and Matt laughed. They loved hearing Loki and Stephen talk shit about each other's magic. Every time Loki would win the argument. Mainly because Stephen knew that Loki's was far superior.

"Be my guest. You might get bored easily though. Those books make it seem boring and trivial." Loki took this with a grain of salt.

"You'll stay out of sight, right? If you really do leave the house?" A painful hex was sent to the protective trio. He then got up and walked to the kitchen mumbling about stupid devils, strange ass doctors, and dumb ass spider monkeys.

"Okay." Matt clapped his hands. "With that settled we can get down to plans for today." Loki just barely held in another hex. "And just what is the plan for today?"

"Today we'll be going to the Avengers Compound." To this Loki and Wade looked at the trio with a blown out expression.

"Even I know that that's a dumbass plan. You're walking into enemy territory! There could be a trap waitin' for you." Loki sat beside Wade nodding along. The mercenary was usually all for rushing in but this was just stupid.

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