Chapter 49 - Outnumbered

Start from the beginning

"So, what scares you most about being pregnant?" I ask, noting her hesitation about finding out tonight.

Personally, i am ready for whatever the results will be. I can't lie, i will be thrilled if indeed she is pregnant, but if she's not, that's ok too. It just means we have a chance to move at the pace she is more comfortable with, either way, as long as we are together, i am good.

"It's not that i don't want to have a baby with you, I do..I want to have your kids...I really do" she murmurs.

"But?" I ask.

"I guess i am just a little scared too" she says.

I pull her from me so that we can look at each other.

"Scared of what? Baby i am right here and will be here with you all the way. I am ready to assume all my responsibilities and will cherish you and our child like you you not believe that?" I utter.

"I know......I know...I do feel ok and excited about it, but i also feel abit anxious... i am sorry,, i can't help how i feel...I just....all my life, i just kind of imagined things would happen differently..." She murmurs.

"You wanted to be married first?"

"I would have like to be when it happened yes..... to a man that i love......not for him to be married to someone else at the time" she scoffs, leaning back against my chest.

"What if he wasn't married to someone else, would that make a difference, make it somewhat.....acceptable, desirable for you?"

"But you are not" she counters.

"Are you sure about that?"i ask over her shoulder.

She turns to look at me? The question in her eyes as clear as if she had asked it out loud.

I smile and nod.


"Yes baby" I confirm her unspoken question as i push some wet stray baby hair sticking to her face.

"Don't play with me like that....for real?" She asks hastily and i chuckle at her rising excitement.

"'s done baby....I cut a few corners but.... it's done....." I say, rubbing her should and kissing her lips briefly.

Her eyes open slowly.

"I..I don't know what to did you sort everything out? the business, and your dad?" She asks, pulling away to face me properly.

"I cut some corners and made a new deal with's not convenient, but it will do...Dad has his reservations, but he is trusting that i know what i am doing" I explain.

"And do you know what you are doing?" She quips.

"What? you don't faith in me?" I ask jokingly.

She smiles briefly before her face becomes serious again.

"At what cost? You didn't sacrifice too much to reverse things did you?" She asks thoughtfully.

"What do you mean?"

"I just hope you didn't complicate things just because i gave you such a hard time about it." She says.

"We are worth it, and i don't regret what i have had to do to get us back on get my life back on track ..As long as we are ok, then everything else will fall into place......eventually" I answer honestly.

We both sigh, then smile.

" doesn't mean that now everything will be as simple as black and white, it won't be pretty initially..I am not planing to hide our relationship, so people will be interested to know everything about us. people will talk once the news is out about us and some of that talk won't be pretty. So i need to know if you are in this with me...." I ask.

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