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It was officially his first day working as Taehyun's bodyguard, and he better not mess it up

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It was officially his first day working as Taehyun's bodyguard, and he better not mess it up. Upon arriving at the office, Beomgyu ran into Taehyun in the lobby.

"Just in time," Taehyun started, a cup of coffee held in his left hand as he greeted the latter. Beomgyu raised an eyebrow, not understanding what he had meant. To his dismay, Taehyun didn't elaborate on the matter as he walked away; Beomgyu followed after.

"Where are we going?" He asked as they got onto the elevator.

Taehyun didn't reply, seemingly as if he didn't hear the latter's question at all as he finished his coffee cup. Beomgyu held the urge to roll his eyes at that moment. The two got off the lift and towards the car park.

Following from behind, Taehyun came to a halt before throwing a set of car keys to his bodyguard. "Do you know how to drive?" He asked.

"Yes. . . ?" Beomgyu replied meekly, not remembering clearly the last time he had driven a car—he preferred to take the subway.

"What are you waiting for?" Taehyun asked, motioning towards the keys in his hands. Feeling flustered, Beomyu fumbled with them before turning the car on as the two of them got in.

Turning on the GPS application on his phone, Taehyun placed it on the phone stand meant for Beomgyu to follow. It seemed like any more questions on where they were going was not going to be answered as he turned the engine on.

This is gonna be a long day.

Twenty minutes later, they have arrived at "the place"

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Twenty minutes later, they have arrived at "the place". As soon as Beomgyu stopped the car, Taehyun got out at once, looking a bit shaken (most likely because of his rough driving earlier with many bumps on the way).

Not saying a single word, Taehyun pushed the gate open to what looked like a field; only it wasn't one. They were at a cemetery. Beomgyu didn't know why they were here—it didn't help how Taehyun was treating him like air either as he merely followed behind.

After walking past several rows, he came to a halt in front of one, the headstone bearing the name: Lee Sung Ho.

Silence gripped the air between them as Beomgyu turned to Taehyun, who seemed to be lost in his own world of thoughts. There wasn't a big expression on his face as Beomgyu found it hard to read his mind.

How strange, since knowing how other's were feeling had always been his forte. Not to Taehyun, at least. In the span of a day, he had seen so many sides to him, so many sides Beomgyu could easily resemble with Nari's.

His honesty, his seclusion, his confidence.

Yet there was something different to Taehyun. One soul, two bodies. Of all the sides he had seen to Taehyun so far, Beomgyu had yet to find the ones that made him fall for Nari in the first place.

 Of all the sides he had seen to Taehyun so far, Beomgyu had yet to find the ones that made him fall for Nari in the first place

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Lunch took place in a Japanese restaurant just a few minutes drive away from the cemetery. It seemed as if Taehyun's wealth could easily afford them a seat in one of the private rooms as the two ate their meals in silence.

Beomgyu was the first to break it.

"Who was that man?" He asked, wondering if the question was too intrusive of Taehyun's privacy. But curiosity got the best of him, and so he decided to ask anyway.

"It's none of your business," the latter answered tersely. Perhaps it was too intrusive after all. Nodding along, Beomgyu tried to push the question out of his mind. But it was as if the pure genuineness of him wanting to know just who that person was irked his interest as he pondered on it for a few moments.

He was wrenched out of his thoughts at the sound of Taehyun slurping his noodles, the way he was eating similar to Nari's. Beomgyu couldn't stifle a smile, feeling lost in his memory of her.

"What's so funny?"

"Nothing," he quickly replied, trying to look nonchalant.

Silence filled the air between them once again. Only this time, Taehyun was the one to start talking. "Do you remember the conditions on the contract you signed?" He asked.

"Yes," Beomgyu lied. He had been so baffled at the possibility of Taehyun being Nari that he had completely filtered out and forgotten anything else that had happened yesterday.

"Well, I'd like to add some of my own," Taehyun said, putting his chopsticks down as he held a hand in front of Beomgyu. "1. You are to be with me all the time." He placed his index finger down. "2. You will be staying at my place—"

"I refuse," Beomgyu interrupted.

"Don't get the wrong idea," Taehyun said seriously, his face implying that he wasn't thinking of other thoughts. "If my bodyguard isn't going to be with me even outside of work, then what's the point of hiring one in the first place?"

Beomgyu stopped talking, realising that if he wanted to keep the job, he had to follow Taehyun's orders. It wouldn't be too bad, he thought, considering how it was his task to protect Taehyun as his guardian angel.

"3. You are to not question anything during your stay there, including my family affairs. 4. Do not tell anyone else you're working as my bodyguard. Say you're a freelancer—"

On the outside, Beomgyu feigned understanding. Inside, he was barely grasping on to all of the new rules Taehyun had just put out.

"And 5. No romantic feelings for each other."

He felt his senses flooding back to him as Beomgyu looked up. "As in... you and me?" Beomgyu asked.

For a brief moment, Taehyun looked slightly flustered before the expression on his face hardened once more. "Yes. Starting from today, you'll be living with me. Mr Yoon will be sending you my address later."

"Got it," Beomgyu replied as he mentally recited the rules in his head.

But he could only remember the last one.

5. No romantic feelings for each other.

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