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I never quite knew what it felt like, so when I finally found out it completely took over my life. What is it you ask? Love. Not the kind you feel for your parents or pet, something else, something more.... Motivating. My name is Shuichi Saihara. Ultimate Detective. But Kyoko Kirigiri is better for sure. She was the original. It's a shame no one has really seen her after goodbye despair. But back to this story thing. I'm writing this right after I finished washing blood from my hands, but not my own, hers. And his. I regret nothing, it was all for him after all. My love, my darling, mine. Some have called me head over heels, some called me in to deep, some even went as far as to call me insane, but I prefer simply passionate. How did we get here, you ask? Allow me to... Elaborate.

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