Tagged Again!

12 1 20

Hey everybody, so I got tagged once again by the wonderful SkysTheLimit084 so here are my answers!

Like I said before, it's Violet, if you want the full amazing story, check out the previous chapter!

So I won't fully answer this one but I will say I am older than 12. So do with that what you will.

Female. Yep.

Straight, but sometimes a little bi.

Hair Color:
I answered this last chapter and it still hasn't changed so yea.

Eye Color:
Really dark brown. Like almost black.

Still 5' 1"!

Favorite Color:
Purple! Specifically, Violet lol.

Color of the Shirt I Have on Right Now:
Crimson. It's actually a Gryffindor quidditch shirt.

Yaaas all the way. Mine are big circles with a turtle pattern rim.

I have a dog. More about him in the first chapter.

Again, first chapter. Sorry I'm just not in the mood to copy and paste.

Favorite Word:
Ugh that's hard. Imma go with jeez, just because I say it all the time. Also, it's a really good hangman word.

Opinion on School:
Personally, I don't hate school. There are days where I don't want to go, but most of the time there's at least one class I enjoy or one conversation that makes me happy, so it keeps me going.

Favorite Subject:
I take Latin, and that is by far my favorite subject. The teacher we have is amazing, and I love the way it combines philosophy and mythology. If I have to choose a basic subject, I'll go with English, just because it's similar to Latin and this year a lot of my friends are in my class.

Favorite Book:
My favorite freestanding book is The Book Thief. If this question were favorite book series, my answer would be much different. But yeah. I like The Book Thief because it is one of the only books that can make me genuinely cry, and it is overall such a good concept.

Favorite Fan-Fiction on Wattpad:
This is also such a hard question! As of now, I think my favorite that I have finished is Lies by Jadewritesastory. Otherwise, all of the Marvel Oneshots books by novanite.

Favorite Movie:
I really love Thor: Ragnarok just because it has all of my favorite characters; Loki, Valkyrie, Thor, plus a cameo from Jeff Goldblum who is an amazing person. A movie I have seen many times is The Princess Bride so that one too.

Plants in My Room:
I used to have a hanging plant that hung in the corner of my room, but my mom took it and put it in her room because I kept forgetting to water it so it was on the brink of death.

How I Found Wattpad:
Previous chapter. :)

Favorite Animal:
Probably a cat or sea turtle. Cat because it's my patronus and I have an affinity to them, and sea turtle because they are so graceful and I just love them.

Right now it is 6:31 PM my time. I won't tell you what zone I'm in. I am writing this instead of doing homework.

Phone Percentage:
85%. It's only so high because I've been at school all day and we can't use our phones.

Marvel or DC:
Definitely Marvel, I've just gotten into it more so I know what's going on. Although I did enjoy the Aquaman and Wonder Woman movies.

So that's it my beautiful pumpkins! (It's almost Halloween so I am in the autumn mood). Final pop quiz for you guys, what's your least favorite Marvel movie, and if you got a penny every time someone said a specific adjective, what adjective would you pick?

Also, most everyone I knew got tagged, but here's one for ya:

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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