Welcome to the Village

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~No one's POV~
You were walking down the forest when you encountered a burned down village

Y/n: What happened here...

You thought to yourself, not realizing where you're going, someone hit you on the head

You din't knew who it was. The last thing you saw was a female figure whering a jacket

You passed out

~House Winters~
You woke up on a bed of someone's house. Your vision was still blurry but you heard someone's voice

The voice of the woman made you calm because the castle smells like all kinds of flowers; but the woman's accent made you drift back to sleep

But before you went to sleep, the woman said

???: Welcome to the village... Y/n L/n

She said

A/n: Sorry if this chapter is short, I'm doing my assingments but I promise the next one will be a bit longer once I get the motivation

Votes are appreaciated :)

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