"This Is My Story"

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"Thomas." He opened the door to see me standing there, shaking. "oh, no, honey whats wrong?" He imediately hugged me tightly. "No, its nothing like that, I just need to talk to you." He sat down right there, on his front porch. "Lets talk."

 I laughed. That is why I am trusting him with the whole story. He will understand. "You saved me, and act like we have been friends for years, instead of just a few days. you deserve to know everything."

He looked at me, trying to see what was wrong. "Why would you trust me?" I smiled. "You won't judge me at all. You won't turn away from me, even if I was the biggest misfit that you knew."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me away. "Okay, but I know a place that nobody knows about, nobody will be able to hear us. Its a little ways away, but totally worth it."

He took me to a tall tree in the middle of a park, hidden by a ring of trees around it. "Climb." I stood there and watched as he clambered up, his long purple robe flapping in the wind. 

I followed him, and we nestled in the top branches in the tree. Once he was comfortable, he turned towards me. "So, what is it?" I just burst out laughing.

"You see, this is what I am talking about. You climb a tree dressed in a purple robe and bright orange pants, just to have a place where no one will hear us." He laughed. "that is just who I am. So, what is it?" I took a deep breath and sobered.

"I had a pretty good life until the age of nine. When I was nine, my father passed away and my mother remarried a drunk of a man. He would beat me daily. I started cutting myself as a way do deal with all of my stress at the age of ten. I started going even more downhill, smoking cigarettes until my mom quit."

He stopped me when he hugged me tightly, tears blurring his vision. "I am so sorry that you had to deal with any of that. No child should have to resort to such drastic measures at such a young age."

I hugged him back. "I know, I know. Do you want me to keep going?" He nodded sitting back. "If you want to, I would love to know."

"At the age of twelve, my mom got a divorce, and married a man who was the perfect father. But, this time, my problems evolved from my mother. she would verbally abuse me, pretty much whenever Peter wasn't around. I started starving myself, since she always called me a fat loser."

I took a deep breath, tears tugging at my eyes. This was the worst part of the whole story.

"I got myself treatment, but that help was for nothing the moment I entered middle school, and it continued through into high school. Everyone had heard rumors about me. I was constantly bullied and made fun of. The only people  who were my friends were Vee, Clay, Abby and Audrey. But even their friendship ended up not being enough."

I felt his arm go around me. "I decided to kill myself when I saw a note someone left in my locker. It said, "You are nothing, even your own mother doesn't want you." I couldn't bear it anymore.

Peter had taught me how to use a gun. So, I tried, but you know the rest, don't you?" I shrugged out of his arm, tears now flowing freely. "You care, more than anyone. Thank you." I jumped out of the tree and ran away, not being able to see his face.

My life with Thomas Brodie SangsterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora