Chapter 1- Humble Beginnings

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Hello everyone to my first fan made novel! Before I begin this story, I thought I would sincerely apologise for any errors or mistakes I may bring to this story in the near future, after all this is my first post here on WattPad. I got some ideas from reading other stories after all

Anyway as the title states, my OC, Sebastian Rourke will be the protagonist of this story who shares the same age as Lisa since they are in their high-school years. His personality will share the same as Lisa although he will be a little less smarter than her but other than that, he will be realistic, mature and a little bit childish at times. His body height will be 5'8, has brown curly hair, blue eyes and a yellow skin complexion as always.

And yeah, in this story, Maggie is 6 years at this point.

With that out of the way, let's begin the story, I hope you enjoy it!


It  was a bright and sunny Sunday Afternoon in Springfield, Oregon two days after the Rourke family had moved from their ancestral home in Canada due to job transfers his father had to go through. Although they haven't acclimatised to the weather, they did settle in nicely in their new home in Evergreen Terrace without any issues but they have yet to introduce themselves to the neighbours. However there was one person who introduced herself a day ago. She had an odd hairstyle which looked like a tower which was blue in color,  medium brown eyes and was wearing a green dress, red pearls and low heel shoes. Not something that you would see everyday in Canada. The lady invited the Rourke family to have a dinner with her family which in their case, seemed to be a tradition. They agreed to meet at 6:30pm so Sebastian had time to kill.

Rourke and his two sisters have yet to be enrolled in high school and elementary school his parents had left the house to enroll their children there which leaves Sebastian's older sister Scarlet to take care of the house while the younger sister Samantha was in her room sleeping.With his older sister's permission he began walking around the neighbourhood so he could get familiar with the streets and so not to get lost. However as he walks into a small street not far from his own, he sees a poster about radioactive pollution on the rivers and lakes lying on the concrete floor. This peeks his curiosity and also at the same time angers him to see people in this part of the United States care little for their environment. As he tries to find some answers from the locals about this issue, all he gets are racist remarks, abuses or being ignored. It makes him think why they decide to move here in the first place.

As he goes on, across the street he encounters a blonde haired girl who had a curly pointy hair which almost matches her complexion. Another odd hairstyle he hasn't seen in his country before. The girl was wearing a blue buttoned up shirt, black jeans and a pair of  New Balance sneakers. She was holding a couple of posters which matched the same color and design as the one Sebastian found earlier. She might have been the one who is spreading the awareness of this pollution which shows she cares for the environment unlike the rest he consulted earlier. He watched as the girl went to the next house.

"Hello sir, sorry to interrupt your day but I am here to talk about the pollution in our eco-" 

The door was slammed in her face. She didn't flinch only with a sigh in response. However she didn't hesitate to move on to the next house as she pounded on the next door but he did have a hunch on what she was going to say next.

"Our waters are being contaminated by-" 

Yep. The door was slammed in her face once again. She responded with another sigh and probably which was the last house in that lane, she looked at the houses in the opposite lane where Sebastian was [ignoring him of course] and to see the window blindfolds and the curtains shut. She hanged her head and walked away.  He felt pity for her and also felt anger towards the locals that don't even give a damn about the very world that they inhabit. Without knowing, he decided to approach this girl since she brought a lot of curiosity towards him. Passing a house, a blue haired muscular boy who had a big nose with glasses a ripped white shirt, blue pair of pants and some brown shoes.

I fell in love with a nerd [Lisa Simpson X Sebastian Rourke(My OC]Where stories live. Discover now