He hooks his arm in mine, leading me over and opening the door for me. I smile at him, scrunching up my nose as I get in. I laugh when Dean gets in and turns the car on, Can't Fight This Feeling Anymore playing. He smiles cheekily at me, emerald green eyes shimmering with the happiness I've never seen before. I've seen him happy, excited, and thrilled, but never have his eyes been filled with this much light. The darkness that seems to always be there, underlying the happiness, is gone and diminished.

We pull out onto the street, and his hand finds mine. I look down at our linked hands, and a smile unwillingly breaks out on my face. A thought occurs to me. Even if this relationship doesn't work out, even if this entire night doesn't work out, at least we'll have this moment. The softer end of the spectrum of classic rock playing in the background, both of us happy and excited, our hands conjoined. If nothing else, we have this.

It takes around fifteen minutes to pull up, and my breath is completely taken from my chest. There's been posters up all over town that the Piano Guys were going to be in town, but never did I imagine that I'd actually get to go. While Dean was flipping through my records, he must h ave found my numerous Piano Guys records... Along with classic rock, I have a profound love for classical music in its self.

I look at Dean in disbelief, heart hammering at a million miles a minute. He smiles at me, eyes brightening even more when he sees my face.
"You didn't," I say, and out of his jacket he draws two tickets. I squeal, hand covering my mouth.

I squeal as we get it of the car, nearly bouncing on my feet. Dean links arms with me as we walk in, all kinds of well dressed people surrounding us. The auditorium is grand, and there's a red carpet that leads to the inside, little lights on either side of it. When we walk inside, the ceilings are high with a large crystal chandelier that explodes light in a million different directions. Just underneath the chandelier is a fountain, an angel standing at the top of it, made of marble it appears. Surrounding the room is marble pillars, grand and beautiful.

A man dressed in a tuxedo, standing at a little wooden stand asks for our tickets. He looks at them, tears a strip off of them, and hands them back to us, telling us to enjoy our night with a kind smile. I thank him, and we move around the fountain to a pair of double doors. When we open up, the curtains are drawn, but multiple lights shine up to them. I ask Dean where we're going to sit, and he makes our way to the middle row, giving us the most perfect view of the stage.

People file in, taking their seats and talking in hushed voices. I grab Dean's hand, smile never fading as I wait for the two men to come out from behind the curtains, and orchestra behind them. I begin telling Dean about all of my favorite songs that they've done, to which he smiles and nods. At one point during my rant, I stop, looking at him apologetically.
"You probably don't care about this, do you?" I wince, and he gives me a pointed look, putting his hand up to my face.
"I care about everything you care about," He replies, and my heart nearly melts.

Where did I find him? A man so impossibly gorgeous, incredibly kind and beautiful, inside and out. He'd take a bullet for anyone in a heartbeat, do anything to protect the ones he loves. Never does he fail to impress me. He's constantly coming out with surprises, new facts about him that I just add to the reasons that I love him. Even his flaws, like his constant use of the leather jacket, how he never picks up his apartment unless I tell him to, how awful his eating habits are and how he may drink too much, I love them all as well. Without them, he wouldn't be the Dean Winchester I've loved since day 1.

The house lights dim, and the curtains begin pulling open. I tear my eyes from the beautiful man next to me, clapping as I see the orchestra already seated, the two Piano Guys emerging from either side of the stage. They meet in the middle, one sitting at a piano, the other at a cello. Looking down at the flyer the man at the stand in the entrance gave us, they'll be opening with I Giorni, originally performed by Ludovico Einaudi. The song is both beautiful and happy, a sense of love being poured out from the piano as the main instrument, the string instruments in the background for an extra touch.

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