I don't know who this Harry guy is but I know he has to be important. I feel my pocket for my phone with the last bit of energy I have left and I give t to the lady.

"Call Harry and tell him to f-find me at the hos-hospital." I mumble out before I fall into darkness.


Harry's POV

I pace around mine and Louis flat and wonder if he's okay. He has to be!

*ring ring* I jump as my phone startles me. I quickly answer.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Yes, Harry?" I hear a lady ask and I raise an eyebrow.


"I'm a lady from the hospital. Louis Tomlinson requested me to call you before he passed out. To tell you to come to the hospital." She says and with that I hang up, grab my car keys and speed the fuck to the hospital.

I rush through the hospital doors.

"Louis Tomlinson?!" I ask with a panicky tone. "Hurry!" I snap as she flips though files.

"Room 105 on the third floor." She says with a fake smile. I wavs and run to the elevator. No time!

I run over to the stairs and run as fast as I have ever ran before up stairs and to the third floor. I run till I see room 105 and I burst through the door.

I'm so out of breath.

I look in front of me after I catch my breath and see the love of my life hooked up to needles and wires and a bloody hole in his forehead. It's scary....

I go over and pull up a chair next to his bed as I caress his face.

"Harry, right?" I jump a little as I look over to see a doctor with a clip board.

"Yes. Harry Styles." I say as I stare at him questioningly.

He points to Louis. "Is he your brother or a close friend?" He asks.

Tears well up in my eyes and I look at Louis flawless face. "Boyfriend, actually..." I say as a tear rolls down my cheek.

The doctor smiles sympathetically. "Everything will be alright Mr. Styles. We have been able to take the bullet out of his head very well. But there is one thing...it appears he has got a brain tumor causing memory lose." My face stiffens.

"How can that tumor cause memory lose?" I ask and he just taps his clip board.

"The bullet just grazed the tumor. The tumor appears to be covering the memory part of his brain. He has obviously had it for a while but that bullet just overdid it." He is still smiling sympathetically. "He is bound to wake up any minute now. We will perform surgery with his permission of he'd like. We could eliminate the tumor and he will slowly gain all his memory back."

I Furrow my brows. " he lost all his memory? Does that mean he d-doesn't remember m-me?" He looks at me sympathetically but this time he isn't smiling. He nods. "What's the possible chances of the surgery not working?" I ask and he taps on his clip board again.

"It's not very likely. This surgery has been preformed before and resulted in success." He smiles at me and I just nod. I'm not able to speak as my throat closes up and tears stream down my face. I realize my hand is grasping onto Louis' and my eyes open widely as I feel a thumb moving over mine lightly.

"Louis?" I ask as I look up to see his beautiful blue orbs staring into my mysterious green ones.

"Yea." He says and smiles confusingly. Oh yea...he doesn't remember me.

You've got more than One Thing (Niam/Larry fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now