The Letter

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 (Friday, April 8, 1966)

It had been months since Ponyboy and Bexley came home from Windrixville; also many months since Johnny and Dally had died. Then, a bunch of heinous events happened between that time and now. From that point on, the Curtis's had to adjust to many changes.

Darry, Bexley, and Ponyboy were getting along much better now with the occasional argument. Both him and Soda were happy to have their younger siblings back to their old selves again.

At around 3 in the afternoon on a Friday, Soda had gotten off work early. On his way up to the porch, he had grabbed the mail that was on the house. Bexley and Ponyboy wouldn't return from school until later and Darry stayed at work until almost six.

Soda didn't wait a moment to take off his shoes the second he entered the house. He didn't kick them because he knew that Darry would be on him for leaving them laying around. Afterwards, he made his way into the kitchen and set the mail on the counter to look through it later.

Soda went in the fridge and drank the chocolate milk from the carton. Afterward, he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He then started looking through the fridge for something to make for dinner.

He found a pot roast in the fridge that was wrapped in saran wrap and pulled it out. He'd make that with some mashed potatoes and green beans. After that, he was searching through the cabinet for the food coloring.

"Looks like blue mashed potatoes are in check for today," Soda said with a smile. He was in a good mood today so he'd thought he'd fix up the mashed potatoes the 'Sodapop' way. He started to peel potatoes while humming a song that he's heard many times on the radio.

He put them in a pot, where the water was already starting to boil. After the potatoes were in the pot, he started to work on the pot roast. He puts it in the oven so it'll be ready for dinner that evening.

Then, the front door opened a few seconds later. Bexley came in with Ponyboy behind her. "Soda! You home?" Ponyboy called. "In the kitchen," Soda chirped happily.

The siblings go into the kitchen to greet their older brother. "Hey, you two. How was school?" Soda asked, shooting them a beaming smile. Bexley set her backpack down on one of the kitchen chairs.

"It went good as always. Not to mention, Pony here got a good score in track," Bexley replied, throwing an arm around Pony's shoulders. Soda beamed with happiness when he heard this. He was proud of Ponyboy's accomplishment.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Ponyboy asked, walking over to the pot. "Pot roast, green beans, and-" Soda started but Bexley finished for him. "Blue mashed potatoes?" she said with a smirk.

Soda was amused by his sister's response. "Exactly," he said, pointing a wooden spoon towards them. "The Sodapop Special," Ponyboy said with a smile.

"Not to mention, you oughta take up a singing career before taking up becoming a chef," Ponyboy joked. "I couldn't agree more." Bexley agreed.

"Alright, enough of your lip, you two!" Soda said, "You two best run!" The middle Curtis slid across the floor to chase after his twin kid siblings.

Bexley threw a pillow from the couch at her big brother, which hit him square in the face. It knocked him back a bit. "Oh, you're gonna get it now!" Soda laughed, tackling his siblings to the ground.

He puts Bexley in a scissor lock while putting Ponyboy in a choke hold. They wrestled around on the floor. "Let us go, Soda! We got homework!" Ponyboy gasped. "Not until you two surrender," Soda taunted playfully.

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