Still can't believe it's a month, feels like we've been together for months. I guess it feels that way because how close and in sync we are at times. That's when I know that we have a whole journey and life ahead of us filled with happiness, joy and adventure and I can't wait to write it let alone live the story. 


On August 31st marked our, 1 month anniversary of our relationship. I couldn't believe it's already been a month. Although it has felt like we've been dating longer. Knowing that a month has passed and has made me feel happy, beyond measure.

For the entire month, I've felt so much happiness. More importantly I've felt loved. Knowing one month has passed which just made me even more excited for the months and even years to come.

I feel each, every day lucky to have a chance with a girl so talented, hardworking, beautiful, kind and absolutely goofy.


A couple weeks has gone by, and we got into more of our futures, which made me felt flattered every time he mentioned it. He makes me happy that not only he wants that with me, but he also sees that with me down the road.

After talking about it and heading to bed my mind took over as I was transported into dreamland. Lately, I have been dreaming a lot about how the time when Leo comes down. But this certain dream wasn't like the others. 


I was at the mall with my mom as we were having lunch at our favourite place; Opa of Greece. I ordered my usual, when my mother nudged me.

"I don't think you should have an ice coke," I raised my eyebrows.

"Why not?" I asked.

"I don't think, it'll be good for the baby or should I say babies,"

"What baby or babies," I was lost.

"Andrea?" she signalled to my stomach. Then boys, my adoptive brother and uncle look at me strangely. Which they never do, I shake it off. As my mother takes our seat, I head to the bathroom. As I am getting myself cleaned up. I looked in the mirror and I saw what my mother was talking about, I looked massive. I had to be probably Seven months pregnant, I couldn't believe it.

I walk towards my mom, after eating we started to leave the mall when I saw my adoptive brother approach us.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" he said.

"Sure," I nodded.

"I guess a lot has changed since the last time I saw you?" I nodded.

"How did this happen?" he asked.

"You really asking me that question, you do know how you had your daughter right?" I stated.

"You know what I mean," he said.

"Yeah, well my boyfriend Leo, came to visit last time and I was on birth control for a year, and we got swept up in the moment. And well, you know the rest since you have a daughter," he nodded.

"Turns out birth control isn't as protected then we thought," I pointed out.

"Where is the baby daddy anyway," he asked.

"Back home, he's coming back out in a few weeks," I swolled.

"Wait, he doesn't know does he," as he is putting the pieces together.

"Not exactly," I said.

"Andrea just tell him," My mother said.

"He doesn't know, I'm pregnant I've been too afraid too." I stepped forward.

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