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I dread the days i have to go to Redberry and sit in the waiting room for hours til my mom gets off her shift, every Wednesday she gets off early and we go to our local diner for dinner. My dad works the night shift so i bet you he's always asleep when we go out. my mom and dad aren't bad parents, per se. For as long as i could remember I've cooked for myself, done my own laundry, they work a lot so I have a lot of time to myself.

Hey, did you know babies have around 100 more bones than adults? No? Me either.

"Morgan, stop daydreaming and pay attention, know this material will effect your test grade." Surprisingly, that wasn't my teacher, that was Ned, also known as the asshole who reminds every single teacher of homework. Rolling my eyes at him, I focus my eyes back on the board realizing the geek was right, I have not a single clue as to how I'm gonna pass this test.

nearing the end of the period, i pack up my bag to get ready to leave. Usually, Mr.Faux would yell at me and claim "the bell doesn't dismiss me he does" and "class isn't over yet" but hes learned over the past two years to not bother. the bell shrieks, making me jump slightly and make a head start to the exit before running neck first into Mr.Faux's arm. "what's the deal, mark?"

I chuckle quietly when I see his face redden up, and move out of the way of the door so the other students can leave, lucky. After everyone has left he sits down at his desk and starts ruffling though papers expecting me to follow him. Sighing, i realize he isn't gonna start talking til i move, so I drag my feet til I get to the front of his desk.

"Morgan I'm just gonna be honest with you, your grades are slipping. you've always been a great student but me along with your counselor are very concerned." he speaks out, in a hushed tone. Nervously, I wrap my arms around my body trying to calm my shaky hands. "I just have a lot of stuff going on right now, It's nothing i can't fix. You aren't gonna call my parents right?" i rambled out, hoping he'd say no.

And he did, honestly after he said no i stopped listening and waited til he was done talking to leave, excusing myself. I make my way through the school and pull out my keys from the front pouch of my backpack and shrug the unnecessarily heavy bag over my shoulder, beeping my moms car to unlock it while nearing the exit.

. . .

Everyday my mom drives us to Redberry and I take her car to school, returning after to pick her up or drop off the car. Today was the one day of the week I have to spend my afternoon at the hospital waiting for my mom to get off her shift so we can go eat dinner. I grab my bag from the passenger seat and shut the car door, slamming it a little harder than intended.

walking along the jagged road, i stare down at my feet counting my steps. suddenly a screeching halt makes me close my eyes painfully tight and throw my hands over my ears, still hearing the yells telling me to move. The harder I usher my feet to move the heavier they get, my body turns ice cold until I feel a warm spread from my hands on my head to my entire body.

Pulling me in front of the double doors of the hospital, i release my aching eyes to see glossy, brown ones staring right back at me, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. " you almost just got hit are you crazy??" she says, rather loudly.

"quinn? why are you at the hospital?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2021 ⏰

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