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Vanessa and I went back to class for 3rd period. I was swarmed with a ton of people at lunchtime before I knew it. People have been asking what happened and I just replied them ," it's nothing."

I then saw my girlfriend, Emma. She smiled and waved to me then she went back to talk to her friends. She had brownish black hair and brown eyes. She is one of the most fashionable girls in our school.

Sometimes, she instantly recites sentences that rhyme. Although I haven't listened to it sincerely yet but I know that she says the same thing over and over again. After reciting the rhyme sentence, she goes back to herself and continues talking to me like nothing happened.

A few minutes later, "hahaha," I head from the door entering the cafeteria. I was so glad. I knew at that moment that 4 people would burst in and start coming to my table. In less than a minute, Vive McLaughlin, Jo Miller, Aly Thompson, and Gale Thunderstorm came rushing to my table. They are my 4 best friends.

" Sam, what actually happened?" Aly asked me while looking at the anxious noisy crowd that was staring at me.

" it's nothing," I said.

" It's alright people," said Gale to the crowd, " He just-"

He then turned to me.

" What happened, Sam?" he asked.

" It's nothing. I just fainted." I said.

" Okay. He just fainted," not realising what he actually said, " just fainted? JUST?"

I saw all of them looking at me. No. It should be staring at me. I was starting to get pissed. Everyone is taking the fact that I fainted way too serious.

" Guys! I just fainted! Nothing's wrong!" I told them.

" Did I lose an arm?" I asked Gale.

He shook his head.

" Did I get paralysed or something?" I asked Aly.

He himself shook his head too.

" You don't have to exaggerate." I told them.

Jo who among the four of us was the most mature told them, " He's right."

He then gestured me to walk with him. We then went to the classroom and again, I was crowded before I even knew it. I told them to not exaggerate things and went back to my chair.

I was so frustrated that I accidentally hit the table hard.

Thunder struck the moment my hand hit the table with a loud bang on a sunny day.


I'm sorry that this chapter is short and still boring. I'm now working on chapter 3 wherein he finds out some fishy things about his girlfriend like not being a human. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it and please vote and comment!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2013 ⏰

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