I leaned back on the lounger, taking Victoria's hand in my mine as I sobbed.
"Her dad is my boss, not only that he is a homophobic pig!! He would drop all contact with Sky, take her home away, make things awkward between her and her mom! Probably ruin my name somehow just to spite us further, make it impossible for Skyler to follow her dream by giving her bad reputation."

Victoria snapped.
"How the fuck can he ruin you both that bad!? Surely not."

I shook my head wiping my eyes.
"He is powerful in this industry, he absolutely rich. He would pay off reporters to twist shit, somehow make it look legitimate. Sky won't be able to walk out of a shop without being hated, or even have a private life she isn't ready for that."

Victoria sighed, she looked just as defeated as I was.
"You can't just give up surely? Like doesn't seem fair for that to be it, the asshole wins and everyone is miserable?"

I stood up gathering myself back together, I felt a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders finally opening up and saying it out loud.
"Thank you for listening vic, I'm just sorry I'm such a fucking downer right now. I just want her to come to LA with me, I'm leaving for a couple of months and we won't see each other. But ever since our disagreement at hers, she basically doesn't look like she is going and hasn't even contacted me."

Victoria got up walking beside me back inside into the kitchen, speaking to me whilst I poured up some water.
"That might not be the case Ari, she may have a lot going on. I mean sounds like her plate is full from the sounds of what you tell me, if this thing you have between you doesn't work it just won't work you know."

I slide the glass across the Victoria, taking a large mouthful of water.
"I want it to work, even if we're just friends? I really like her and her vibe, we get on so well."

Victoria leaned her chest across the counter, smiling over to me.
"You know what! Let's go out tonight. Let's just go out and have fun."

I'm really not sure if I am in the mood for this, going to a club with Victoria? I don't know... I'm just feeling so low and I have a lot on my mind, I wanna be mad at Skyler for not messaging me, but I guess she could also say the same thing about me.
"Fine... but I don't want to be out too late." I

"Yes!! You won't regret this! We will have so much fun, I promise." She beamed with joy.


Me and Victoria was sat in the back of my Range Rover whilst being drove to a club, we were both very dressed up cute and honestly feels nice to get out.

I wore a black tight dress ending just above my knee and knee high boots, with a large black fluffy jacket over my shoulders. My hair was tied into a high tight bun, I wore dark cat eye makeup.

Victoria was drinking back a little glass of wine beside me, she was absolutely buzzing and in a great mood.
"Tonight is going to be amazing!"

As we arrived I followed Victoria to booth in the corner, she got us a VIP booth in the corner giving us a tad bit of privacy. The room was loud and music was blaring, I mean that's a good thing, I finally can't hear my own damn depressing thoughts.

"Can we get a large bottle of champagne in a ice bucket, with two glasses please for me and my bestie!" Victoria called out to waitress over the music, just full of absolute joy.

Unexpected Changes. Arianaxgirl GxgWhere stories live. Discover now