Guilts a New Feeling

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// authors note! 
Fixed grammar/spelling on other chapters, many thanks to my amazing friends!

Wait wtf we have 100+ 👁's wtf ummmmm yoooo I'm famous ... ty everyone




I fell off the arm of the couch shortly after shouting Moony's warning, reaching out as if I could somehow grab her fast enough- though it proved inadequate to stop the disaster from occurring. I scrambled back to my feet and hurried as fast as possible to the kitchen counter, peering over it at moony for just a second before using my socks to whip around the counter on the kitchen tile using the classic slide technique for maximum speed. I got on my knees busy above her head and looked down at her face. Upside down, due to the unfortunate angle.

"MOONY? Please don't be dead, oh sweet wunas what if she's dwead?"

"Dammit E-NAH..." Moony squinted her eye open, and I felt relief wash over my little body. "I'm not dead..."

Confidence and calm returned to my body, "I am most pleased to hear that! You worried me for a second. You must be more careful, you know..." I smiled cheerily.

Moony did not return the look. "You worried me for a lot more than a minute, girl —." She shakily tried to Bring Herself to a sitting position, most definitely startled by her descent and impact.

"I apologize about any worry that my wish may have caused you as well-'' though I'm not sure if that was genuine, I'm not sure if I quite understand. I get that she's upset I tried to get rid of my sad side, but I'm not completely sure why. Moony didn't often explain what she meant, oftentimes she says things she doesn't mean or things with meanings different from context and very very often things that don't make the slightest bit of sense.

But now I'm genuinely confused and concerned, there is most definitely meaning behind her words. "Moony?"

Moony was shakily getting to her feet again, "uhhhyes?" I, of course, being the most loyal helpful pal in all of the Abstraction used my yellow arm to secure her spot with two feet on stable ground.

I stood myself up, using my blockier hand to dust myself off- "Why exactly did you return my gloomy side to my physical form?"

Moony raised her eyebrow, "because ya can't function without it. Can you get that damn cheese for us before the bird dies-"

... "But I am speaking to you now, and only using my yellow side." I blinked at Moony, puzzled - (and not only at the bird comment. Moony says stuff like that all the time, it doesn't often make sense in context.) my blue arm had run off to snatch the cheese I was directed to.




"I don't know how it works! Just, ya know... it's, it just is!" I struggled to explain it to her. "You just can't. Sadness is part of life no matter how much you don't like it." I noticed Ena flicker to her monochrome blue-eyed face and sighed. I had gotten impatient for a moment, which was something I knew I really couldn't do around Ena. She's just a little too fragile. I softened my demeanor and lowered my voice, a little less scary and a little more serious. "You can't get rid of an entire side of you, it's like chopping a brain in half. You just have to let it be. Let the frog bite."

Ena's face went back to normal, but she still had this visible nervousness to her. Or was it something else? She was happy, but she wasn't. "I consider your point valid. Perhaps we could go back to Runas next dearest Moony? Make a more specific wish so it at least no longer disrupts and annoys you?" Her black glossy eyes stared into my soul. In the innocent puppy sort of way.

"..." fuck. Ow. Realization hit like a bitch . This was my fault, wasn't it?

She didn't mind her sad side, she felt bad Because of my reactions. How stupid did I have to be to not catch that? I scratched the back of my head, still achy from slamming down onto the tile. 


I feel awfully guilty right now. An unfamiliar emotion in my book.

How did this bullshit come from me just trying to get us some cheese again?...

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