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Mudslides in the food live broadcast world

Simplified Chinese

set up

Turn off the lights




Chapter 1

    The breeze is breezy, the mist is misty, and the morning light has just pierced the darkness.

    Du Xia struggling to open her eyes, she saw a thick branch and leaves above her head.

    "Are you awake?" A very strange voice rang in my ears. She looked sideways and saw a man with a beard and gloomy eyes squatting next to her.

    Du Xia reflexively sat up with her arms supported, a little pain in her body, but she touched it up and down but there was no trauma, except that her clothes were torn in many places and her hair was messy. Looks very embarrassed.


    The last scene before the coma was recalled in his mind. Because she needed a lot of food today, she woke up half an hour earlier than usual and rushed to the vegetable market to buy food, but was knocked down by a runaway car because she was saving her.

    The moment the car ran over her body, she seemed to hear the sound of broken bones, but there was no trauma on her body at this time. If it were not for the crushing marks and blood stains left on the clothes, she would almost think that everything she encountered was an illusion.

    "Your trauma has been cured, if you still feel uncomfortable, you have to go to the hospital." said the bearded man beside him.

    Du Xia heard this and realized that he had saved herself, and hurriedly thanked him.

    The bearded man shook his head and stood up in silence.

    Du Xia followed up and found that she was on the edge of a forest, with an endless forest covering the sky in front of her, and a western-style town behind her.

    The houses in this town are not high, the highest is only three stories, and they are all single-family courtyards. The house has a pointed roof and colorfully painted exterior walls. The yard and both sides of the road are full of trees. At first glance, there is a sense of tranquility and comfort like an oil painting.

    The street is very clean. Several cleaning robots measuring 1.5 meters high are patrolling back and forth. If they encounter fallen leaves, they will reach out and grab them and swallow them in their stomachs, and then continue to patrol the next area. The speeding car, which seemed to have wings, hovered one meter above the ground and flew around.

    Du Xia's eyes straightened instantly. Is this dreaming?

    After a few seconds of stagnation, Du Xia asked the bearded man next to him very calmly: "Excuse me, what is this place?" The

    bearded man has actually been looking at her. He had already seen Du Xia when he was in a coma. She has no chip or bracelet on her body.

    The so-called chip is an identification that is implanted on the wrist of every person since birth, which stores all the data and records of a person from birth to death. The identity chip needs to be scanned for any place in the galaxy. .

    It can be said that without a chip, this person can hardly move anywhere. Once caught, he will be treated as a star thief, and after investigation, he will be imprisoned in an interstellar prison. There is no chance again.

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