"Hey so how long are we going to be on this island?" I ask a few hours later when everyone is awake. "Well, uhm I don't know we haven't really thought about it I guess." John B says. I nod and that conversation kind of dies out. It's been so awkward this morning. And I know for a fact that it's because of me.

Sarah whispers something to John B and he looks at her hesitantly and she nods. He stands up and looks at me. It was like an unspoken understanding. I stood up and we started walking. We walked in silence for a while. "So..." I say, trying to think of something to say and break the silence at the same time. "Was your life really like that? Back at your home I mean." He asked. "Well I mean ya. It wasn't great back home. Like I said my mom left when I was young because of my dad, she got away and left me with him. I was like four or five at the time so it's been awhile since then. But I mean I finally got away." I said and he nodded. "Well I'm glad we somehow ran into each other. Although it's crazy how we did." He said. John B and I were walking for a while.

"So JJ..." Kie said side eyeing Sarah, "What's new with you?" She said with a questionable smirk on her face. "It's been good... Why?" He said. "Oh you know just wondering." Sarah said. "Nothin new? At all?" Cleo said, chiming in. "No? What are you saying?" JJ asked. "What are you guys asking him?" Pope said, confused. "Pope, this isn't about you. JJ is hiding something" Kie said. JJ's face dropped. "Oh so you do know what we're talking about?!" Sarah said grinning. JJ gets up and walks away towards the boat. Sarah gets up and follows him, while the others stay behind. "JJ you really didn't think we didn't notice that you've been like distracted?!" Sarah said. "Listen Sarah, I can't talk about it." JJ said. "Does this have to do with this Aurora?" She asked. JJ was still walking towards the boat. When he got there he pulled two beers from my stash. He gave one to Sarah and sat down. "How did you know those were there?" she asked, opening the bottle.

JJ completely ignored the question and stared at Sarah with a serious expression. "What was all of that? What were you talking about?" He asked. "Are you into Aurora?" Sarah straight up asked. "Wha.. what? I'm I... Psh! No! That's John B's sister! Plus no pogue on pogue macking." He said, very visibly lying. "JJ... I know you like her. I swear I won't tell but I need to know because I want to make sure you're ok." She said. "Ugh ok fine! You win, Sarah Cameron! I like Aurora. No, I am so attracted to her it hurts." He admits. And when he does his posture seems to relax. "Dude... You're in love." Sarah laughs at JJ.

Later that day when everyone is back together Sarah pulls me aside all giddy. "What the hell is up with you?" I ask, kinda scared for her answer. "So-" "Oh no. This isn't going to end up good." I said cutting her off. "No no no, just listen ok? So I was talking to JJ earlier and he kinda has a thing for you." Sarah said smiling. "Haha, What?!" I ask playing along hoping she won't know. "Ya! He said that he likes your smile and how your cheeks squish up when you laugh. He is totally head over heels for you babe." She tells me. I am trying so hard not to blush right now but god that man is perfect. "I know you just got here buuuut I think you two would be so cute together. I just know it." She nods as if she made up her mind. I laugh and stand up and start walking. "Don't think it's gonna happen Sarah!" I yell over my shoulder walking back to everyone else. I get there and I sit down next to Kie. "Did you know that Sarah was going to say that to me?" I whisper to her. "What? Noo! How could I?!" She said laughing. I look at her and roll my eyes laughing.

"Ok one last beer run before I'm out! Who's coming with, it's dark?" I ask, this time JJ stands up. I smile at him. "M'lady." He says gesturing towards the boat. I laugh at him and start walking. I look back just in time to see Sarah giving us a thumbs up.

"So," I say when we have reached the boat, "I hear you love my smile and how my cheeks scrunch up when I laugh." I said joking with him. "God... she told you? Of course she did. She tried setting us up huh?" He says as he pulls me into a hug. "Ya know there's not gonna be much more of this for a while right?" I ask. "Why not?" he asked worriedly. "Cause we are out of beer now." I smile up at him. "What is this exactly?" he asked, gesturing between us. "Well, uhm I don't know. What do you want it to be?" I look at him. "I mean I like you JJ. Like really really like you. To the point where I'm sad we aren't out there in front of everyone. But happy that we get these little moments away." I say grinning a goofy smile. "Aurora Johnson-Routledge are you in love with me?" He asks playfully. "Yes, JJ Maybank. I am"

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