the past

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I was sitting on my chair in my office I was the nurse of kamone academy then I heard a knock on my door "come in!" I say then the door opened to reveal tsuchigomori and Amane "ah tsuchigomori-sama and Amane-kun!'" I say happily then I got my supplies out for Amane this was a normal routine for me and tsuchigomori the thing is I do have a boyfriend but I have a small crush on tsuchigomori-sama but I'm the type to not cheat anyway off topic!! I bandaged Amane up and gave him a note for his mother and he left with tsuchigomori-sama

Amane's pov

After y/n-sensei fixed me up and I put the note in my pocket and me and tsuchigomori-sensei left "you like her... Don't you?" I ask looking at tsuchigomori-sensei "I...uh...well... Is it that obvious?" He asks "yes" I say tsuchigomori-sensei was blushing and then I left the school and I saw y/n-sensei get into her car and leave same with tsuchigomori-sensei and I walked home "welcome home big brother" my little sister says (in this he will have a little sister) "hi Lisa" I say patting my sister's head then I went to the kitchen and saw my mom and dad I gave my mom the note "oh what's this?" My mom asks "a note from the nurse" I say

Y/n's pov

When I got home I heard yelling I ran to where the yelling was then a glass bottle was thrown at my head I fell down onto my bottom and touched where it had hit and I looked into the room to see my parents fighting then I notice my dad about to punch mom so I stood in front of her and he punched me instead of my mom they were both surprised "N/n!" My mom exclaimed then dad stormed out of the room and slammed the door closed, my mom then informed me of what happened apparently my parents are getting a divorce soon and then my mom patched up my injuries and I went to my room

The next day

I went to my office as usual and then hanako came in "ah! Hanako-kun what's wrong?" I ask walking up to him crouching Infront of him then he touched my bandage "what happened?" He asks I didn't notice tsuchigomori-sama was watching/listening in on us "oh this? I got hit with a baseball on accident" I say smiling "don't lie to me y/n-sensei" Amane says looking down "ok, fine, I was hit with a wine bottle" I say sadly, tsuchigomori-sama and amane were shocked

Few days later

I'm at home and I'm crying in my room cuz my parents that cared for me so much were now divorced then I felt my heart break,  my mom was at the store, then I heard my mom "sweetie help me with these bags!" My mom said out loud, I went down the stairs and walked outside and helped my mom and put the bags in the kitchen "thanks sweetie" my mom (Emma) said then my phone rang "go ahead" my mom (Emma) said and I went into the living room and answered the phone "ye-" I say "Y/N!" Tsuchigomori-sama says panicking about something "yes?" I say "Come to the school immediately!" Tsuchigomori says panicked and I immediately hung up, grabbed my keys, put on my shoes, "what is it?" My mom asks "something's going on at the school" I say panicked then I rushed outside and got in the car and I went to the school and when I got to where tsuchigomori was I was horrified




"Amane..." I say falling to my knees "y/n-sensei?" Amane says then I see Amane bloody with Tsukasa's dead on the ground bloody, I almost threw up at the scent of blood, I started Crying "why..." I say falling to my knees...

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