"Hi," Hotch laughed as Rosie and Jack came in to view, each on either side of Annalise.

"Momma," Rosie smiled and my heart melted at the sound of her sweet voice.

"Hi babies," I took a bite of pizza, "how was your day?"

"I got an A in my science experiment." Jack smiled shyly.

"That's great, buddy." Hotch grinned, his hand squeezing my thigh in a silent thank you for the all-nighter I pulled trying to paper mache a volcano out of newspaper.

"You know it's only fourteen days 'till my birthday?" Rosie interrupted excitedly.

I looked at Hotch, feigning a surprised expression, "Did you know that?"

"Do you know, baby, I think it slipped my mind."

Rosie giggled, "You guys are silly."

"What about a bedtime story?"

"But we have the book here!"

Annalise spoke with a fond smile, "I don't think your mother needs the book."

"It's okay," Rosie answered, "River read to us."

"She did?" Hotch and I exchanged a curious glance.

Annalise picked up on our confusion, "She said it was okay with you —the kids love her."

I fiddled with the collar of Hotch's blazer, swallowing hard. "Well, what about a chapter? Where did we leave off?"

"I can't remember," Rosie admitted.

"Chapter six," Jack said quietly.

"Alright," I grinned, getting up from Hotch's knee to reach for my ice cream (which had melted by now).

I cleared my throat, "The next day the rain poured down in torrents again, and when Mary looked out of her window..."

I continued to recite the words of 'The Secret Garden' by heart, pausing occasionally to eat my ice cream.

Hotch got up to brush his teeth and I did the same when both our children's eyes were closed and Annalise whispered that they were sleeping. Hotch and I said our goodnights, soaking in their peaceful expressions before we hung up.

After the distraction of talking to our children, the tiredness crept in like it always did. Gratefully, I sunk into the mattress, pulling the duvet over me. Before Hotch joined me, he pulled something out of his go back and my heart seized when I realised what it was. He got into bed, reaching across me to plug in my night light. He kissed my forehead as he flicked the switch, the lilac light enveloping me with a warm welcome feeling.

I rolled on my side, putting my arm around him. His hand found mine and he held it there against his chest.

After a couple of minutes, I spoke, "Aaron?"

"I forgot how annoying you were," he joked, his voice thick with almost-sleep, "What?"

I giggled but quickly turned serious, "Do you think it's weird that River spends so much time with them?"

𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐬 | 𝐀𝐚𝐫𝐨𝐧 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐞𝐫 (2)Where stories live. Discover now