Eiffer: 'Not hungry yet pumpkin so i'll just wait for you. No arguments.'

Me: 'Even when texting you still go alpha on me!!! lol' i said.

Eiffer: ^_-

Me: :-*

And so there we go again exchanging emoticons. Corny? well, yeah, maybe, but we find joy in petty things. That's just how we are. We exchanged sms while working on our homeworks and after awhile Ced came knocking on my door.

"Whats up?" I asked as I opened the door and he looked at me with his brows furrowed.

"Your mom had been yelling out your name and I've been knocking for quite awhile almost knocking your door down and you open it and ask me 'Whats up'?" he said quoting 'whats up' in the air and I was just as confused. How could I not hear them? Oh my. I think my sense of hearing have been wandering around while texting wolfy. I gave him a smile and nodded.

"I'm sorry, I was just busy with homework and lost track of what's going around" I lied and he raised his brow at me like a habit he always does when he's not convinced over anything I say and shook his head.

"You're acting totally strange you know, I think I should get Jared to get through your head and let me know what's going in it" I pat his shoulder lightly.

"You wouldn't!" Then he laughed.

"I think I will convince him if you don't tell me whats making you all strange now" I stared at him knowing I won't escape it. Should I tell him? Would he judge me? Of course he'll go against it, after all he's working for Landon which I completely forgot about.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked and he looked at me seriously.

"Do I look like a gossip monger?" Well that's true, he's never one to air out a dirty laundry so I know he won't definitely tell a single soul about it. Plus, I trust him.

"Its just that its something really big and I don't know if its safe to let anyone know." I had to make sure though and he held my shoulders.

"Didn't you say I'm like your big annoying brother? well if that's the case then you can trust me. But if right now you think its safer not for me or anyone to know then I won't force you but if you're willing to talk about it or share it then my door's always open." This is what I like about him, not being too pushy, but a motivator in a way that's positive.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready" I said just like how I said it to Enzo. When will I ever be ready to tell the truth? I've been making it a habit to lie about things. Its becoming normal to me now and I don't wanna go on like this but its just that, I don't have the courage yet.

"Cedric.. Avie.. come down now." Mom yelled and I pulled Ced and went down stairs as I ran up to my dad again. Always will be my daddy's little girl. Smiling all the way to my seat as I waited for them to settle down. My tummy is growling in hunger now as the food hits my senses. I slipped my hand on my lap and sent a message to Eiffer.

Me: 'Dinner time wolfy.. lets eat'

Eiffer: 'Lets dig in then pumpkin'.

Me; 'Eat well wolfy.. later! :-* i replied smiling.

"Hon, no mobiles, no texting over dinner please." mom said and I shoved my phone in my pocket and started eating. Later on we were all laughing and sharing stories about our day and found out mom had already started working on the garden and was able to think of new flowers to grow.

The dinner was amazing and my day is just complete. As I lay in bed and drift to sleep, I wish this happiness won't go away.


FORBIDDEN LOVE - BOOK I (2012)Where stories live. Discover now