Layla wiped at her reddened eyes furiously, wanting her tears to be gone at that moment.

"I'm fine," she gritted out, her voice wavering against her wish.

She didn't want to be seen at her weakest, she feared what the world would think if they saw its puppet fall. But, like any other human, the veiled vision needed comfort.

"Ok." Nyx nodded slowly, not wanting to upset her further.

She then turned her head to look down the empty hallway.

Her mind was racing with thoughts solely about Azriel, she could focus only on him at this moment, but in her heart, it felt wrong to just leave Layla here to fend for herself, especially when she looked like she needed someone by her side.

Swallowing her feelings for the raven monster for some time, the nyctophile asked, "Do you. . .do you want to rant about it?"

Layla scoffed, "What makes you think I would like to talk to you about it?"

Truth was, she was only forcing herself to act according to the standards set for her by the universe. Even if she didn't want to be such a bad person to Nyx, she'd convinced herself that she didn't have a choice.

Noticing how the girl hadn't turned down the offer by saying a simple 'no' and ignoring how she failed to convince that she genuinely didn't want her to stay, Nyx gave a shrug and replied simply.

"I don't see your friends around, so like it or not, I'm your only option. If you want me to leave you alone, I'll walk away without another word."

There was a visible struggle going on inside Layla's head.

It was reminding her of how she'd be breaking so many of the world's rules if she gave in to her heart for wanting a shoulder, a reliable one, when it was being selflessly offered.

"I don't even know your name," Layla looked away, a pinch of guilt in her chest.

Why do you want to help me?

The girl had always known the nyctophile as the lone wolf of Auradon just like everybody else did, and she had made no efforts to try to undo this.

Her eyes had always been curtained to the reality of what she could have, blindly chasing all that would never stick around.

Nyx gave a small smile, "And your name is all I know."

Layla looked up at the cinnamon head, listening carefully as she continued.

"You'll be venting to someone who knows nothing about you, no past knowledge to compare your present to or even judge you for your choices. And, as you must already know, I don't have anyone to go and tell your secrets to. So really, we're good,"

The platinum head didn't flat out decline.

She wanted so badly to just give in and go against what she'd compelled herself to become, but she hesitated.

Why would someone to whom she's been only unfriendly want to stay for her when there was a choice to walk away?

Nyx recognized this hesitation.

She could see that Layla was fighting with some part of her that wasn't letting her accept help.

Without another word, the girl stepped to her side till she was facing a wall instead of Layla, losing view of the staircase she was sitting on.

Nyx let her bag fall from her shoulder and slid down to sit on the floor, crossing her legs and leaning her back against the wall for support.

"What are you doing?" Layla questioned, a puzzled furrow between her brows.

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