The World's Observer

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In the Ice Continent
Inside Guy's Castle:

Fern woke up in unfamiliar place

"This place.."

Fern regained conscious and seems kinda annoyed that the fact he is sleeping in a floor... no an ice floor to be exact and he is greeted by the two demon that he know... Misery and Rain.

"Seems you're already awake Coule-"

"Fern" Fern cuts off Misery


"So... Where are we? Why am I here? Since you two are here. Does Guy need something from me?"

"We're in the Ice Continent where Guy-sama lives. Guy-sama also ordered us to tell you that he is waiting for you in that room after you're awake" Misery points where Guy is waiting

Fern stood up and yawns

"So how are you two doing lately?"

"We've been doing what Guy-sama ordered us to do" Rain said

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot the fact that you two are his servants"

"You should go to where Guy-sama is waiting now" Misery said

"... fine"

Fern goes to Guy where he is waiting, and then he saw Guy sitting on his chair
and an empty seat on the other side of the table with a cup of tea on the table.
Guy who is sitting on his chair drinking his tea talks to Fern

"So... What should call you now?"

"Name's Fern, put that in your head"

"You're so cold as usual and your fight with Velgrynd ended up in a draw which is disappointing"

"Yeah the fight sure is disappointing in the end. But I'm confident that the next time I fight her ill win"

"You sure are confident"

"Oh you don't even know how confident I am

Oh yeah of all places for me to sleep in... You just leave me on the floor... an ice floor to be exact."

"Does that really matter?"

"YOU- you know what? Get to the point Guy. What do you want from me?"

"Well aren't you in a hurry?"

"I'm not a patient one you know?"

"Fine fine, I'll get straight to the point. Have a seat here, let's have tea"


Fern goes to an empty seat then sits on it

"I want you to be my serva-"

"No" Fern immediately cuts Guy's words

"I thought so" Guy chuckles

"Why do you even want me to become your servant? Didn't you already have 2 primordials on your side?" Fern said as he drink his tea

"I don't want you running loose in this world and besides you ascended into a demon lord and your power is on par with Velgrynd. You still even can't defeat me with your current power and you know that right?"

"... true I know still can't beat you even after I ascended into a demon lord"

"Hmm... if you don't want to be my servant... then I want you to become a demon lord"

"Didn't I turn into one already?" Fern seems to be a bit confused

"No no not that, the demon lord council that I founded."

"Ahh that. I did hear you made a demon lord council years ago... so who are the members of your council?"

"So far, me, Milim, and Ramiris"

"Ramiris?? The Spirit Queen Ramiris??? "

"Yeah that Ramiris."

".... and who is Milim?"

"Milim is someone who manage to have a good fight with me, but in the end I'm still stromger" Guy stated it proudly

"Oh?" Fern is interested to this Milim

"But enough about that now I want your answer right now Fern do you accept my offer?"

"And if I refuse again?"

"Then I'll kill you right here, right now. If you don't want that to happen, go back to the spiritual world. I don't trust you running loose in this world" Guy said in a serious tone

'Well there goes my freedom' thoughts Fern

"... as much as I wanted to fight you even though I can't win, I don't want to be killed by you, so I guess I'll go back there for now" Fern mutters

"So... you refuse?"

"I might consider it, I want time to think"

"If you do accept it, we will have a tea party with the rest of the demon lords and discuss about it"

"I know it's late for me to ask this but... why you founded a Demon Lord Council?"

"To maintain the power of balance in this world"

Fern seems to be dumbfounded

"Since when did you care about this world"

"Well I became the mediator of this world so why would I not?"

"Wait... you're the MEDIATOR you mean-"

"Yeah, the creator of this world ask me to be one" Guy immediately cuts off Fern

"... and here I thought you are just showing off that demon lord thing"

"Do you really think I'm that kind of person? "

"... Well the reason you being the Mediator of those humans is enough to make me accept your offer"

"So you care about those humans"

"I mean I used to be one"

"Right I remember you saying that before. Then I will gather the other demon lords for a teaparty tomorrow and discuss about you joining us"

"Well since I have time, I want to master my new skills"

"Well good luck on that" Guy said as he watches Fern leaving the room

In a large desert, there's a lone figure in the middle of the desert. A child with orange hair and emerald eyes.

POV Fern::

Hmm... this is a good place to test some of my new abilities here, but first before I test my other abilities, I must try <Ultimate Skill: Future Teller King Bashiri> formerly <Unique Skill: Fate Teller>

A/N: Check at his bio for more info about his skills (recently updated)

When I used <Unique Skill: Fate Teller> before, it gave me a vision of me naming myself, me destroying a human nation, and me evolving to a Demon lord. As far as I know about this ultimate skill, it will give me a vision of the important events of this world, so I wonder... what vision will it give me when I use <Ultimate Skill: Future Teller King Bashiri>...

A/N: About Fern's skills, of course there will be more unique skills and more ultimate skills (but not a lot of ultimate skills)

So for now I'll leave it here and pls give me more ideas about what Fern's skills should have!

And give me your thoughts about this chapter and how should I improve it


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