Alex's Morning

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     I look over to my clock. 6:30. This day will be the most interesting of all mornings. I have to do something that I never ever thought was even possible.

      Before I can even think to get up and I hear
a loud laugh coming from the kitchen. Trenton. You see Trenton ( Trent for short ), is my best friend. And it's been that way ever since are 10th birthday.

       Me and Trent have the same birthday, April 23. Now this story takes place in the fourth grade. I was sitting in the corner of the room while everyone else was playing sorry. I was minding my own business, drawing and then Trent walks over to me.

He said, " It's your birthday right,"

"Yes," I replied, surprised that someone knew it was my birthday, " How did you know?"

" I pay attention to the birthday chart on my birthday, and I saw your name up there." He responded

" I'm Alex by the way," I say, " Alex Stylinson "

"Nice name, I'm Trenton, Trenton Malik-Payne."

    And ever since then we've been best friends. When we were younger we didn't have very many friends, but with are parents fame we became.......popular. See my parents are Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson, but when the surrogate had me the combined their last names. Trent's parents are Zayn Malik and Liam Payne, but they couldn't decide on a last name so now he has both. Then there's Niall, the 5th wheel. But that's okay I mean, Niall likes to hang out with me and Trent.

       Anyways, I get up out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. I'm wearing one of Trent's old sweatshirts and a pair of black booty shorts. I can't go in this. If I did, it would be the best morning to my 16th birthday, to get blast on Twitter for what I'm wearing

     I quickly change and run into the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth. I walk out of the bathroom and through my room out into the hallway. As I walk down the stairs I see him. Trent, he's leaning on the island having a debate with my dad ( Louis ) about how FOUR or  Midnight Memories is better.

      I can't help but stare. Trents white shirt is wrapped around his petite body, while his black skinny jeans fit his legs ( and butt ) quite nicely.

" Ooo, does Alex fancy Trent."

I jump, shocked my the movement and the whisper. I turn around to see it's my other dad ( Harry ).

" No," I say, " He's my best friend not my crush."

He smiles and chuckles a bit, " Well, me and Lou were best friends and look how we turned out."
I'm speechless. I can't find any come back to that.

" Your skirt is a little short for school by the way,"
He mentions while point at my skirt.

" Remember what to say is?" I ask with worry in my voice.

"Oh yeah," he replies, " You shouldn't worry, you'll be fine."

"Like a-" I start to say, but he cuts me off.

"I swear to god if you say 'line' I'm going to flip out" he says jokingly and a bit serious.

"Okay." I say.

"LINE" I scream running down the stairs.

  I sprint down the stairs into the kitchen, where I'm welcomed and wished a good morning. A minute later dad walks into the kitchen. He clearly walked.

" You little shit," he says sarcastically.

" Ahhh, what happened?" Dad ( Louis ) asks.

" I'll tell you about it later" My other dad ( Harry ) says and he leans down to peck Louis on the lips. It ends up being longer than just a peck. A simple kiss on the lips somehow turns into Louis jumping into Harry's arms, still kissing him.

Me and Trent just stare speechless.

Trent finally speaks up, " well we should get going now, we don't want to be late,"

Louis hops down from Harry's waist and says, " okay, love you sweetie, and don't worry you'll be fine. Oh and happy birthday!"

" thanks! Love you guys, bye." I say as me and Trent leave the house.

     I get into Trent's car. He drives a bright purple Dodge Challenger. He turns 16 today, like myself but he's been driving this thing since he was 14.

      We just sit in silence for a moment. The moment is the longest moment I've experienced. It's like the seconds passing feel as hours counting down the day into night.

" Today's the day," he says pulling out of my neighborhood.

"Yes it is," I say, my voice shaky," the day my old life starts and my new one begins"

" Ooo, I'm Alex and I'm so dramatic, " he says doing an awful impersonation of me.

I stare at him, " okay, one I don't sound like so stupid lovestruck teenager, and second I would like a smoothie from Scooter's, " I say.

"Strawberry-Banana," he says confirming the flavor.

"Yea," I respond, " wait also can I get a birthday cake cake pop?"

"Yes," he says pulling into the drive thru.
                                        •.    •.     •.

    As I finish off my smoothie we pull into the parking lot. I have already finished my cake pop. Trent has also finished his food and smoothie. He got a Wild Berry smoothie.

   We spent the car ride scream singing the lyrics to Steal my Girl, History, Drag me down, A. M., 18, Little things, and Heartbreak weather.

" Okay this is the day are lives change," Trent says.

" Are you ready for this?! I'm kinda flipping out and rethinking my decisions," I say hyperventilating.

"Honestly?" He asks.

"Yes please," I reply.

He sighs and pulls me into a hug, " Honestly I'm so nervous but, I know that in reality when we're older
we're gonna look back at this moment and laugh about how nervous we are."

I chuckle.

" Okay, now let's go in there and and find Niall and do this okay?" He sort of asks and yet tells me.

"Yeah," I say as we get out of the car, " Let's go record are first song ever!"

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