Deep Red Roses

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"So who are you getting these flowers for?" Quinn asked as she tied up the bouquet.

"Oh uh a friend, I guess," The blonde girl replied. Quinn could see some hint of sadness in her baby blue eyes when she said the word friend. Normally she wouldn't start up a conversation with the customers she got but for some odd reason today was different.

"So was it rejection or heartbreak?" She asked trying her best not to assume things. The girl looked at her in shock. "Was it that obvious?" She asked. Quinn nodded in response.

"Rejection," the girl admitted. Quinn handed her the flowers and said "I'm a good listener you know so if you need someone to talk to about it I'm here" The girl nodded and turned to leave.

Just as the girl got to the door of the shop Jasper ran out from the back. "Babe," he whined, "when's your shift end?" He wrapped his arms around Quinn as she worked away like he wasn't there. "Baby," He whined, upset she was ignoring him. "hmm?" was all she responded with. Jasper pulled his arms away from her, making her turn around to face him. "What's wrong?" She asked. Without warning he gave her a peck on the cheek.

The bell to the shop door went off, causing the two lovebirds to turn around. The blond girl stood frozen in spot. Shock spread like wildfire through Quinn and Jasper as they both stared at the person who just walked in.

His black hair puffed up but stayed neat and tidy at the same time. He was almost as pale as a ghost and his blue eyes showed no hint of happiness. He had no resemblance to his father but everyone in the store knew who he was. He made his way to the desk that Jasper and Quinn stood behind.

Why did he just enter this store? There's most likely millions of other flower shops for people like him why this one? Quinn thought to herself as she stared at the man who entered the shop.

"Hello I would like those roses," His voice sounded just as Quinn expected it to be. "Jasper get me the roses," Quinn said.

She handed the man the roses, hoping he would just pay and leave.

"Ashley," He said without looking from the roses. The blond girl flinched. "Y-yes?" She managed. "Come here," His tone was demanding and harsh. Ashley slowly walked over. "Do these look nice?" He asked. She stared at the roses he held.

They were a deep red that looked seductive yet caring at the same time. Any person would love to have them as a gift from a lover. "They look beautiful." She said in a hushed tone. "Good I'll take them," He looked up at Quinn.

"T-that'll be $5 please," Quinn stuttered. Without a word he reached in his coat and pulled out a wad of cash that was tied together with a rubber band. He placed it on the counter and walked out the door. "How much was it?" Jasper asked. Quinn counted up the amount he had placed on the counter and gasped.

"Well, how much?" Jasper asked again. Quinn looked up to Ashley. "Ms we are closing so I'll have to ask you to leave." She nodded and left without a word.

The minute the door closed Quinn turned to Jasper and said "He paid way to much." Before Jasper could ask she handed him the wad of cash. "$50!" Jasper squeaked. Quinn nodded.


Zach slid into his room without any noise. He plopped down on his bed and looked at the roses he had bought. He never understood why flowers brought him so much joy. Nothing in this world gave him the amount of joy flowers did. He guessed it was because of how he was raised but it could've been a number of things. A knock sounded from his door.

He hid the roses under his bed and walked to his door to see who was bugging him. His door opened with a creak. "Yes?" Zach asked. "Oh good your back," It was Kai. "I need to ask you something," he said as he shoved his brother aside and walked into the dark room.

"What do you want?" Zach asked. "That girl that you bought the roses from today," Kai started. 

How could he know? I made sure to cover my tracks. There's no way he followed me. He couldn't even leave the house. Zach thought.

"I may not be able to leave but I still have eyes on you every time you leave." Kai smiled. Zach looked at him in shock "How the hell-" Was all he could say before he was cut off by Kai. "Don't forget what we were gifted with."

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