the hotel

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  after bum and sangwoo got settled in the car they started for the road. i wonder where we're going, bum thought. he wanted to be anywhere but in this town. plus if anybody saw sangwoo and knew he wasn't dead, the cops would immediately come for him, so they had to leave as quickly as possible. "hey sangwoo where are we going?" bum said. "you'll see" sangwoo said menacingly. bum thought about all the possible places they could go. after all they didn't have a lot of cash and credit cards would help the police find them. this is impossible, we can't run from the police forever what are we going to do? bum was anxious and sangwoo was starting to notice. "bum everything's going to be fine. im going to protect you." sangwoo said looking bum in the eye. "sure but who's going to protect you. what if they find us? what do we do then?" bum said, the concern and fear obvious in his voice. "i wont let that happen, i'll do anything for you bum."

they sat in silence for awhile. bum started thinking about therapy again. would this really be helpful or would it just bring up painful memories? what if he takes it out on me or worse goes bad to his old ways and starts killing again? im so scared. after a few hours they made it to a hotel. they checked in and rested because they'd been driving all night. bum and sangwoo ended up falling asleep until morning.

i opened my eyes and was immediately anxious again. i didn't recognize my environment for a few seconds but then i remembered checking into the hotel and whatnot. i looked around the room for sangwoo. "uh...sangwoo?"
no answer.
i got up and looked in the bathroom. he wasn't there.
his wallet and keys were gone. "no. what? he couldn't have" did sangwoo leave me here? bum thought about it. he was probably lying about therapy and loving me he just wants to bring me here to kill me to make sure all of the evidence is gone. then the doorknob started rattling. this was it sangwoo was going to finish him once and for all.
     sangwoo opened the door and came in with a big smile. "good morning bum" sangwoo said cheerfully. "uh good morning sangwoo" bum said slightly confused. bum saw the bag in his hand and was curious. sangwoo saw him looking at the bag. "oh the food downstairs is shit, so i decided to get us waffles."
   he got us breakfast?
bum was utterly confused. he thought sangwoo was going to murder him but instead he brought waffles?
"come on let's eat" sangwoo said gesturing to the small table in the corner of the room. they sat down and ate for a little and talked. "so sangwoo..." bum said nervous. "yes?" sangwoo replies. "so about the therapy-" bum said before being cut off my sangwoo. "WHAT THE FUCK BUM. SHUT UP ABOUT THERAPY. YOUR FINE. IM FINE. WE DONT NEED TO FUCKING GO. I DONT HAVE PROBLEMS. IM OKAY." sangwoo screamed and knocked of the table cause the bags and waffles to go flying.
   a tear came down bums cheek. more followed shortly. "oh my god bum. why are you crying?" sangwoo says sounding slightly annoyed. "b-because you need help. i- im scared of you right now. and we can't grow as a c-couple if we don't trust each other." bum stuttered still sobbing. " you don't trust me?" sangwoo says feeling hurt. "not when your violent like this it scares me."
  "im going out." sangwoo says then left leaving bum there in shock and feeling invalidated.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Feb 12, 2022 ⏰

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