Lucien checked the time on his watch. "Well, not within the next few hours, by which time you'll both be of vervain, and I'll be able to compel you both to forget everything. Including all manner of tortures and punishments I might yet employ, should you continue to prove disrespectful." There was a knock at the door, and his face lit up. "That'll be the nanny!"

He went over to the door, letting another vampire walk in. "This is Anton, a very loyal and very dangerous friend. Tread carefully." He patted Anton's shoulder. "Oh, and, uh, Anton? If you should not hear from me by nightfall, go on and kill them both. But, do it quickly. Oh, and for God's sake, don't ask if they have any final words— you'll be here through the weekend."

He left the apartment, closing the door behind him. Anton slowly walked toward the two women, and went to sit on the couch beside them, turning on the television to flipping through the different channels.

Katya forced herself to eat, giving Cami everything she didn't want. Which was a significant amount. She was too nervous to eat, and she feared she was going to throw up.

"Seriously? Football?" said Cami once Anton leaned back to watch the game between the University of Cincinnati and the University of Tennessee. "You're a vampire!"

Anton scoffed. "Shut up and get me a beer! And don't even think of hesitating because I know your friend here has no vervain in her, which means I can quench my thirst another way, if need be."

Katya tensed, and Cami got up immediately, and went to the kitchen, though she didn't return immediately. Anton noticed this, and sped to Cami, catching her hands before she could go into Lucien's bedroom, which had all the dark objects in it.

"I can't kill you," he growled, "but I can hurt you. Break bones, slice up your pretty face, heal you, then do it all over again. Next time, that's how this goes down, got it?"

Cami gulped. "Got it."

Katya figured they needed a distraction. Before Anton could turn around, she shoved her fingers as far down her throat as she could, and yanked her hair back just as she threw up all over the carpet.

"Damn it!" said Anton, rushing back and seeing the mess. He pointed at Cami. "Get her cleaned up, now!"

"I-I think I need to shower," said Katya, having let some of the vomit get on the exposed skin not covered by her pants. "I feel fucking sick..."

Cami knew what she was planning. She helped her up, and got her to the bathroom immediately. Unfortunately, Katya actually had to throw up again, and Cami shut the door, flipping the lock as Katya retched into the toilet.

"One of us has to escape," whispered Katya once Cami was helping her shower. The water pressure was strong enough to mask their conversation. "One of us has to get out and get help."

"I can get you out," said Cami. "You've suffered enough. I can take the fire if—"

"I think it should be you. You still have vervain in you, he can't feed on you if you try to run. And he can't kill us unless Lucien doesn't come back. All you need to do is get somewhere with a phone, call Klaus, and have him come get us."

"I can't leave you behind, Katya, he'll hurt you."

"I feel genuinely sick, Cami. Just thinking about what Lucien's already done... remembering the pain of being stabbed... I don't know if I can manage it. Besides, I can be compelled to stay."

"Unless..." Cami looked around before finding a razor. "Katya, I know this is probably really unhygienic, but my blood has vervain in it. If you drink some, you could have vervain in you, too. Even just a little bit."

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