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Comenzar desde el principio

     "Well, then, who are you?" She asked.

     "You love scary movies, don't you, Kimmy?" The voice averted her question, moving onto something new.

     Kim's head tilted. "I- I do, yeah."

     "You know in slasher movies when the sole survivor is the cute blond cheerleader who had everything going for herself?" Way to be blunt about things.

     Kim scoffed. "The final girl."

     The muffled voice let out a maniacal chuckle. "You're so smart."


     The phone kept silent. "Randy, you're not funny." She inhaled.

     "I think you're gonna become my final girl, Kimmy."

     Kimberly yelped, the phone slipping from her hands. She whipped around to see who had placed their hand on her shoulder, startling her so much. "Stuart!"

     Stu laughed, holding his gut historically. "Gosh, Kimmy. Are you alright? I didn't expect you to jump like that."

     Kim placed a hand over her heart, feeling it pump up and down. "You fucker." She breathed, bending down and picking the phone up.

     Stu chuckled, tossing himself back into his seat. "Keep it down, we're in a library, remember?" He teased, drawing doodles at the top of her notes.

     Kim shook her head as she placed the phone to her ear again, but nothing but a long beeping sounded. The man had hung up.

     "Who was it?" He asked, crumpling one of her blank piece of papers and throwing it at her head. She grimaced, but ignored it.

     "Randy, probably. Prank calling like the intuitive fuck he is."

     Stu nodded, patting the seat for her to sit back down, and she did. And they continued working on her essay, belittling the fact that this was the beginning of something that wouldn't end for another decade.

     Students, ranging from ages fourteen through eighteen, all found their way up the grounds of Woodsboro High, all probably on their way to their first periods. But no one seemed to be in a rush on this Monday morning. No one seemed bothered at the fact that there was five minutes left until the final bell and most kids were still lingering around outside. Something was different this morning.

    Sidney Prescott, a junior. She had bangs cut right above her eyes and perfect, straightened hair tied into a ponytail. The young girl stepped off the bus, not seeming to care how late it was dropping her off. She flung her backpack higher up her shoulders as she looked around. She scanned the school yard, her face scrunching up in confusion.

     News vans piled up against the curb of the street, a news lady set outside each one of them. Some of them were even interviewing students or cops. Sidney's lips parted. What is going on.

     A tap on the shoulder, and the brunette jumped, putting a hand over her heart. "Jesus, guys! You scared me." She sighed, observing her two friends. One was a blond, who had probably the best fashion sense out of three girls. Tatum. Tatum had the perfect bubbly personality that collided well with the two others. She was kind of like a puzzle piece that slid in between the two, attaching them together. Kimberly, she was kind of a mixture of Sidney and Tatum. Which was probably why the three all needed each other. It could never have been a duo. It just wouldn't have worked.

     Tatum pushed herself into the middle of the two, rubbing her arm. "Can you believe this shit?" She asked Sidney, due to the fact she hadn't conversed with her on the topic yet. Sidney frowned, confused. "What's going on?"

     Tatum and Kim shared a glance as the group made their way up the schools main entrance. Kimberly cringed. "You don't know?" Sidney shook her head, egging her friend to continue. "Casey Becker and Steven Orth were murdered last night."

     Sidney's face fell, and she almost lost balance as she approached the top of the cement stairway. "No way."

     Tatum nodded, looking down. "And, not just killed, Sid. We're talking slasher movie killed. Split open, from end to end."

     Sidney adjusted the strap on her backpack, wishing she had never asked. "Casey Becker? She sits next to me in English." She let out a big breath. Kim titled her head as they finally entered the building. "Well, not anymore. Her parents found her hanging from a tree, her insides on the outside." She explained, holding her hand over her stomach

     Sidney's nose scrunched in disgust, a knot obviously tying in her stomach. "Oh, god. Do they know who did it?" Tatum scoffed, finally stopped in front of her own locker. "They're fucking clueless. They're interrogating the entire school. Teachers, students, staff. . " She trailed, twisting her pin in and pulling the locker open.

     "They think it's school related?"

     "They have no idea. I heard Dewey say it's the worst crime they've ever seen, worse than-" She almost let herself go on, but her eyes met Sidney's and she stopped. "It's bad, they're bringing in the feds. This is big." She finished, dragging her arm up to Sid's shoulder.

     Kim could feel the unease the radiated off Sidney, and she inhaled a deep breath, a kinda of pitty washing over her.

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