Breakdowns 💔

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Events before: Sai was humiliated badly and Kaku and her minions had questioned Sai's upbringing, ordered her to apologize to Pakhi with no fault of hers, mentally abused and tortured her and even starved her! All these happened only because she had "dared" to give a separate gift from her side! 😞😢 (These are all the "Maan aur Sammaan the Chavans gave Sai 😑😒😣!)

Sai broke down, crying on the floor. She started to feel worthless, useless and that she should never have been born! Pakhi, Kaku and her minions continued to pass taunts and force her to apologize to Pakhi, who was shedding crocodile tears! 😒

Sai had enough! She stormed up the stairs, while Paku and minions kept screaming after her. She rushed to her room, grabbed a suitcase and started packing her belongings and her books, so she could leave the house!! 😥 She finished packing and rushed to the door. Paku and minions kept shouting after her to come back and passing taunts.

As Sai opened the door she was shocked!!!!

Virat was standing there along with Samrat!!! Both brothers had sustained wounds and were supporting each other!

Sai threw her suitcase aside and rushed next to Virat.

S: Virat Sir! What happened to you? And this is Samrat Dada right??! Are you both all right?! Ok ok! Both of you come in first! Aai, Mohit, help me please!

Ashwini and Mohit rushed to help her, as other family members rushed too. The only person rooted to her spot was Pakhi! 😲

So this was Virat's secret mission. He had gone to find Samrat! And he never told about this to her! Her heart clenched with anger. 😡 Virat had insulted and betrayed her by not telling her about his mission. Pakhi was absolutely furious with him!

But she had no choice. She had to behave as the "aadarshaniya bahu"! And that's where things went wrong! 🤣

She rushed towards Samrat crying his name, pushing aside people and flung herself on him for a hug! She started sobbing loudly and literally screaming!

P: Ohh Samrat!!!! Where had you gone off to? You know I was sooooo worried about you!! Everyone was worried about you! How could you leave your mother, badi mami, how could you leave meee???!!! I missed you badly!! Are you ok??! Oh my god! Look at those wounds!! Come let me take care of them!!

Saying, she started to drag Samrat towards the sofa to make him sit. To say Samrat was shocked was an understatement. His eyes popped out at this sudden display of madness! He pushed her away with all the force he could muster, such that Pakhi fell to the floor!

Sa: Get away from me, mad woman! You are nothing but a poisonous snake! No need to show all these fake concern towards me! But if you really want to, go with Mohit! He will give you a nice role to play a mad woman! 😡

Pakhi just lay on the floor with a shocked look on her face!

P: Sam..Samrat! What are you saying?! I am your wife. You can't behave with me like that! You are insulting me! 😞
K: She is right Samrat! How can behave with my daughter in law like this?! This behavior doesn't befit you!
V: Everyone please calm down! Jeeva please! Kaku please! Let's all sit down and talk. We will explain everything. Pakhi, please get up from there and come sit down. Everything will be all right!

Saying, Virat led Samrat towards the sofas to sit down. Sai quietly followed them and sat down next to Virat, her suitcase forgotten. Pakhi was stunned that Virat didn't even help her get up, no one did! She was staring at him and Samrat like a fish! 🐟 She slowly got up and went and sat next to Kaku who was sitting next to Samrat.

V: When I agreed to this mission, I don't know that it was to search my Jeeva. My senior told me that a missing army officer had been found and he had sustained many injuries. When I went there and saw that it was Samrat, I ran towards him.
Sa: I thought Shiva had come to take me back, but I didn't want him to. So I retaliated. I had a little ammunition and that's how he was wounded!
V: When he ran out of ammunition, that's when we restrained him, and then we had a proper chat about everything. Now I know exactly why Jeeva left the house.

Virat glared at Pakhi at this point. Pakhi's face was ashen! She didn't want the truth to come out!

P (stuttered): Virat, these matters can be discussed later! First let's look after your wounds! Then we will talk!
K: Of course not, Pathralekha! You tell Samrat! Why did you leave the house?!
Sa: Its because of Pathralekha only!

Pakhi just shut her eyes in defeat! 😑

Sa: On the night of our marriage, she was talking to Virat on the phone and loudly proclaiming her love to him. I thought these 2 had an affair, and both had betrayed me! Hence I left the house!
V: I hadn't betrayed him! I had ended everything with Pakhi on the sangeeth day itself! Whatever feelings I had for her before, everything was wiped out when she had agreed to marry Samrat!
K: But why did you reject her?! She was a good choice for you. If only you had told us before, we would have made you sit in the mandap instead of Samrat!

Both Samrat and Virat were shocked and totally disgusted with Kaku! They had already cleared everything between themselves. Virat then explained what exactly happened, how he met Pakhi, how they had a connection, how he lost her number, how even though Pakhi got his number she didn't say it was her and blocked him later and then agreed to marry Samrat!

V: My feelings were over for her once she had blocked me and when I came to know she had agreed to marry Samrat! That's why I acted to give her a promise that I won't give her place in my heart, which actually meant nothing, to anyone else! I only wanted Samrat to be happy since he liked her a lot! But Pakhi was the one who kept chasing me even after my marriage, taunted me and wife, attempted to separate me and Sai and worst of all PRETENDED TO BE A FAKE LADY NAMED SANGEETHA DESHPANDE TO PREVENT MY SISTER'S HAPPINESS!

Everyone were shocked at this! Pakhi and Kaku's faces were as pale as bird shit! So Virat had finally found out about their devious actions!

V: When I calmly went through that letter while going through my previous cases, that's when I recognized Pakhi's handwriting! Next time you plan something, plan it very carefully, Pakhi! 😡 And I know Kaku that you, Pakhi, baba and Omi kaka were behind Pulkit's kidnapping! Be thankful, I won't arrest you guys, as you are my family!
Sa: Oh hell no, Virat! Patralekha isn't my wife anymore! I want to divorce her! 😎

Kaku was desperate now!

K: Ok Fine! Let's accept that we did wrong! But dear Patralekha wasn't wrong here! I ordered her to write that letter! She was faultless! And please give your marriage a chance. I am sure even Patralekha has no feelings left for Virat too! I really love her as my daughter Samrat, Virat and I can't stay separate! Please let her stay!

Sa: Fine. Then she can stay in the guestroom or in the storeroom for all I care, but not with me. I have nothing to do with her!

Pakhi was full on insulted at this! To escape further embarrassment, she just ran up the stairs and went to her room!

(I am sorry I updated so late! I am setting up the stage for mistaken identities. There will be relatively less Sairat scenes but more Pakhi beizzati scenes. So please bear with me!! 😅😅 Enjoy the story till then!)

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