Ancient Indus River Valley (India) - Brother Jealousy

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New year, new start. All around the city of Harappa, people are celebrating the new year, 1650 BC. From the roof of our house, you can see the loud bustling of the party down on the street and the beautiful and peaceful sunset above the grid-shaped city. Just like all the houses here, our house is made of bricks and consists of two floors and a flat roof with a bathroom and a showering area. Outside the window from my room, you can feel the cool wind, monsoons, that causes the dry and warm weather here on this subcontinent. However, during the summer, the wind brings rainy and humid weather. This makes winters warm and summers cool.

I am Agastya and I will be turning eight soon. I have coal-black hair and dark skin like my parents. My father is a warrior while my mother just does chores and cooks delicious meals with bread and fruit for us. Our family belongs to the Kshatriyas, one of the four varnas in the caste system. I also have a baby brother, Anusuya, who is one month old. Since I am the oldest child in the family, my parents expect a lot from me. He teaches me how to read, write, and fight. I always enjoy the moments I spend with my parents.

One month ago, a life-changing event happened. I could no longer spend private talks or play games with just my parents ever since my brother was born. Every night, I tucked myself in bed feeling very lonely without my parents there to kiss me goodnight. However, after dinner tonight, I could not contain my anger at all. Even though I was supposed to practice non-violence, I got so mad and jealous of my brother's attention that I told him that I hated him and slapped him. Still red in the face I rushed into my room and slammed the door behind me. Through the door, I could hear Anusuya crying and my parents trying to calm him. Just like every night, I quietly tucked myself in bed and tried to make this restless night pass.

Hours and hours passed as I tossed and turned in my bed. Soon, it was morning. I nervously sat up, not knowing what the consequences of my behavior last night would be. Instead, before I got a chance to get out of bed, my father entered my room and sat on my bed next to me. He told me that he would give me a warning but not a punishment yet. To my surprise, he also apologized for focusing too much on Anusuya and forgetting about me. Since we believe in Hinduism, he reminded me that karma affects reincarnation. If I apologize and treat my brother nicely from now on, it might build good karma for me to make up for the bad things I did.

I started down the brick-paved stairs to the dining room for breakfast with Dad following behind. Mother had made bread, fruit, and tea for our breakfast. I took the seat next to my brother and apologized for being rude to him last night. He just looked up to me and smiled, so I guess he forgives me. We hungrily ate the fruit and bread and chatted with each other. Then, we carried on and continued the day. For the first time since my brother was born, I was able to have a great time together as a family.

Children of the Pastजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें